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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6111714 times)

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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Sheesh! Don't know what happened up above.... confused-3316.gif

Anyhow, here's the answer to your question, Glenn...

Anyhow, first time CCW holder pays $100 for the 8 hour class, and $100 to the county sheriff's dept for issuance of license, if you pass the background check, class tests, and shooting tests. Renewal is the same, still have to take the class AGAIN and the renewal is $75. Minnesota is the only stupid state that requires class to be taken again. They've bumped the license length from three years to making it  good for five years. They do have "quickie" 4 hr classes held by some, but I prefer the 8 hr ones held by my buddy who is a NRA Certified Instructor and licensed by the state. A lot of legal issues discussion, which is good. Breaks and lunch is also served. They pay for ammo and you can use their guns to qualify if you wish. If yer interested, give Kevin a call at

Offline Gunner55

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It's 30 here. Made it out :fishing: yesterday after lunch :happy1: & soon had a bunch of company. We got 1 :fish2:, not sure about the rest as the augers were runnin a lot. Pulled most of the gear of the lake & will get the rest 1st thing today. We still had just about 50 when we came in about 5. Not much else new around here. Hope you have a good 1
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Boar

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glenns loaded and off to work

Online glenn57

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Sheesh! Don't know what happened up above.... confused-3316.gif

Anyhow, here's the answer to your question, Glenn...

Anyhow, first time CCW holder pays $100 for the 8 hour class, and $100 to the county sheriff's dept for issuance of license, if you pass the background check, class tests, and shooting tests. Renewal is the same, still have to take the class AGAIN and the renewal is $75. Minnesota is the only stupid state that requires class to be taken again. They've bumped the license length from three years to making it  good for five years. They do have "quickie" 4 hr classes held by some, but I prefer the 8 hr ones held by my buddy who is a NRA Certified Instructor and licensed by the state. A lot of legal issues discussion, which is good. Breaks and lunch is also served. They pay for ammo and you can use their guns to qualify if you wish. If yer interested, give Kevin a call at
thanks reb. just curious. been thinking of a handgun for trips up north but that's kinda gone off to the wayside. not sure if I would do conceal and carry as I have absolutely no desire to carry other then up in the woods.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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glenns loaded and off to work
:bonk: :bonk: training-087 :banghead: :laughroll: :laughroll: funny guy!!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Coffee118

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Good morning, what a beautiful day yesterday mid 60's and not a cloud in the sky and the same for today. I got the winter yard crap (branches, leaves & everything that blew into the yard) picked up, washed the car, went to the driving range, we have one that stays open all year, and hit 2 buckets of balls, then went to a friends house and had a few drinks. Today is just relax and I have a 3.5 pound chicken to try in the air dryer for today. Y'all have a good day  :happy1:
if you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.

Offline Gunner55

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Good morning everybody, we had 58 yesterday & the wind picked up mid morning as well. Didn't see near as many out on the bay either. 34 to start today. We'll spend part of the day packing & getting ready to go home Monday. Not much else new, have a good 1
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Up and at 'em guys! Looks to be another great day! Spent the day in classroom and on the range yday for the license renewal and shoot. Long day. Started at 8:00 am  and I left to head back to CAWchester about 5:15 PM. Did get a pizza lunch break, though. Whammed a 100% on the written and aced the shoot...with their guns. $#&#! Took an asst of mine along with my gear, but grabbed my critical defense rounds instead of the target rounds. DAMN! Nothing like qualifying with an unknown gun. Wasn't much left of those black bullseye's, though.  ;) Headin' back up today in a while for the tactical defense shoot. Hopefully I can pull out of there early and enjoy the day before it's over again. Have a good day and get those grills going!! "Another pleasant valley sunday....charcoal burning everywhere".... :happy1:

« Last Edit: February 02/19/17, 07:22:43 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline Reinhard

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What a great day today.  Last two days were nice as well.  We will get dumped on again but that's fine.  Reb,  I took my carry class last year by a certified instructor also and I enjoyed it.  No test though as far as written, just on the range.  $100 bucks for the class and here in Anoka county the permit at the sheriff's office was $75.  Our instructor dealt with legal issues as well which are very important.  Looks like steaks today later for us on the grill.  Better get more charcoal.  good luck.

Online Bobberineyes

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Yep awesome weekend.  Morning fellas did all my running yesterday, first oil was changed in the ram, boy was that easy. Not much on the agenda today, maybe a little tinkering here and there but burglars will be on the weber tonight.    Later!!

Online glenn57

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Morning!! Just gonna soak up the nice weather. Wanted to have first campfire if the new year but fire ring didn't quite thaw out or dry up enough. Oh well! Just a putzy sorta kinda day.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Putzy day for putzes.   ;D

Online glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Just finished 2nd class. Now I'm gonna putz all day!    :dancinred:

Online LPS

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Morning all, back from Nevada.  Darn Dotch I didn't see that yellow pages deal till just now.  The wife was keeping a pretty close eye on me anyways.  Lot's of hotties there and even more NOT hotties there.  hubba_hubba-404.gif  Lot's of them in walkers so even Rebs could have caught a few of them...    :rotflmao:  Had a great time and will do it again next year.  Went on the river cruise every day.  Just felt good to be in a boat on open water.  That of course meant the start of cocktail time too.  Day 1 was 75 and day 3 was 50 something.  Pouring rain the last afternoon and night.  They only have 5 inches of rain a year so we probably saw 25-30 % of their total yearly rainfall.  They said take the weather home with you and looks like we did.  Rain for here today.  lol  Flying back into Bemidji the ground was brown until we were almost here.  Then I forgot how much snow we had....  The piles are still huge here....   

Online mike89

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morning, 46 here and only snow piles are left the way it looks, quiet day, go into Alex to the H-D dealer and pick up a couple things and then maybe a Papa Murphy's pizza.  decisions.  have a good day all.
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
49* and gloomy here. Blah. Ecch. Snows meltin' down to nuthin'. Make sure ya get a Papas favorite, Mikey, and tell 'em to put extra mozzarella on it, cause da Reb said so. Or else.  :fudd:    ;)

Online LPS

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Yup pretty hard to beat a Papa Murphys.  Our favorite. 

Online glenn57

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Yup pretty hard to beat a Papa Murphys.  Our favorite.
NAW............lotza motza!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
 morning all..................well back at it!!!!!!! feels  good to get out and about. havent taken anything for meds , and i'm down to ADVIL since sat afternoon!!!!!!!!!

this weather is crazy............and then hearing anything for the upcoming weekend from rain to 20 inches of snow is nutz!!!!!! not much else.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
 20 inches of snow is nutz!!!!!


Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Raining good here...hope it washes away some of the stinky, rotting crab apples. The tree had a bumper crop of about a gazillion apples on it this year, never seen so many on one tree.They make such a friggin smelly mess....$#@!. Had my buddy that owns a tree service trim it way back a month ago and shape it up. (He's a certified arborist) You can see how far out the spread was. Maybe now this year I can get some grass growing in those areas.... :doah:
« Last Edit: February 02/20/17, 10:34:25 AM by Rebel SS »

Online mike89

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this weather is crazy............and then hearing anything for the upcoming weekend from rain to 20 inches of snow is nutz!!!!!! not much else.

hey Glenn, I just looked at the forcast for this Friday and it's all changed.  not sure where it will go but here the it says now.  only time will tell us!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
No, Mikey, it's just Minnysnowda stuff!  face_plant-2139.gif

Online mike89

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that be the truth!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Boar

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Online glenn57

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pretty lengthy post there bud. Wanna shorten it up a bit!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: one the other hand ya got a 100 percent on the spelling test! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
pretty lengthy post there bud. Wanna shorten it up a bit!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: one the other hand ya got a 100 percent on the spelling test! :happy1:

Not quite. Didn't capitalize the "M"... ;)

Online glenn57

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baby steps Reb!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Bobberineyes

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Dang that's funny Glenn. Arborist shmarborist reb, I'll have that problem gone in no time. And just think of all the smokin wood we could walk away with. Morning gents, well kind of, what a sloppy mess the yard is, been raining most of the day and most of the ice sheet in the back is gone, if this keeps up I'll have to pick up some more of rebs grass seed soon. The worst part is trying to get the muck otta the pooches paws everytime he comes in. Well I believe it's ruebens on the griddle tonight....Chow!

Offline Boar

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