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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 5708667 times)

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Online mike89

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 mornin all, 19 here and might see 20 they say..  as Mark said we could see some snow..  bring it on I guess..  going over to Alex this morning and get a few things ..  don't need much so should take to long..  the slight amount of snow we got yesterday afternoon sure made things slippery..  have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  The wife said it was 11 when she got up at 5 and it is down to 4 here now.  Brrr.  We are expecting 2-4 from what I am hearing.  I guess we are ready since we just got the deck all cleaned up.  May as well get ready to do it again.  Tis the season.  Not sure what I will do today other than tend the fire.  Need to think of what to make for supper.  Well stay warm out there. 

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin gents, 21 here & we might see 27. We've got some snow in our forecast too, but it's < 1" & not s'posed to start 'til ~ 8 am tomorrow. We made it back from Mason City a little after noon & the roads were good then. Found gas over there for < $2.50, so I filled up. Got 1 small project on my list for but I'll probably start back at the Y again today. No more now, have a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline LPS

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JB, maybe I missed it but what did you figure out with your wood stove?

Online glenn57

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morning fellers.......21 when i looked. snow just enough to dust the deck and sidewalk. yesterday i needed to get some ice melt for the sidewalk and driveway. was real skeptical about putting that on my new cement. the guy recommended some pet safe stuff.  :scratch: showed me the ingredients its magnesium chloride not sodium chloride said it was better for everything so..we shall see. pet sake and doesnt kill grass or flowers. the sidewalk and driveway was glare ice!!!

not sure what i'll do today!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Afternoon fellow gulag comrades! 22 at choretime & looks like it topped out at 26 on the BWH thermometer. Had about .5" of snow in Bugtussle & .4" at the ranch. Melted out to .05" of snow in town. Should be melted out at home but haven't been there to read it. Got bales moved around yesterday after plopping one in the lot. Needed to get the 1st cutting positioned so it'd get fed up 1st. Was just starting to snow in the photo. Can honestly say I got very little accomplished so far today. Steady stream of guys hiding from their wives looking to kill time before lunch. I did get a check from the one guy, answered another zinc question & learned about a potential oats processing plant going into Albert's Leaf so there was that. Some days it's gleaning tidbits that might come in handy for future reference.   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online mike89

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look at them purrty tires!!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Nice Dotch.  Bet that feels good to have new rubber.  What model is that tractor? Looking good.  Don't need weights if you keep carrying that bale around.

Online Dotch

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The new rubber is nice but the new rims are the best part. We were cruisin' for a bruisin' there. It's an International 656. Ya, if I just wanted to push snow with the bucket, it wouldn't need weights with a bale on the 3 pt. spear. Alas, with a bale on the back, the thing is about 30' long! A little cumbersome in a yard best suited to something like a narrow front WD. The snowblower wouldn't require additional ballast either as long as you didn't run it right down on the ground. Ballast would likely help with the spreader, especially once it's ~ half empty. 220 bu. spreader full of heavy pack manure so not as much weight on the tongue/drawbar at that point. When I was moving bales yesterday, I'd put two in a row & wanted to scoot them back a foot, using the bale I had on the spear. It sat and spun. With the chloride in the tires that would've been a slam dunk.       
« Last Edit: Today at 02:42:19 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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How many hours have you got on that red beast?

Offline LPS

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I always liked the looks of those spoked type of rims. 

Online roony

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Those are the wheels Barry.

Offline LPS

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Thanks Roons.    :happy1: