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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6082318 times)

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Online LPS

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Morning boys.  We have 26 here and we may see 41 today so they are raising it for me.  We did get another skiff of snow too.  Been an every night occurrence for the last few days.  Not sure what the big plan is for the day.  Having coffee waiting for my orders.  We are up to 11 hrs and 26 minutes already I see.  I am wondering if the wife wants to torch the brush pile today.  ???   Well you all enjoy the day.

Offline markn

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Tore into the front of the skid loader yesterday. Sure hope new pins and bushings tighten it up. Sure could have used that new parts washer that I'm waiting on pipe fittings for. Have a great Saturday everyone. later...... :happy1: :happy1:
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 07:44:43 AM by markn »

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin guys, 27 here presently & we're on our way to 46, I hear. We were s'posed to have gotten a little snow overnight too, but it must not have made it to the the ground. There's a small load of clothes in the dryer already, so it should be easy to finish those before the day ends. Got a couple more things I can do outside early today as well. Going to be a nice day, so make it a good day!!
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 09:19:30 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 26 here and supposed to make 39. Skiff of snow here too over night. Been out fishing since little before 7. Had a flurry of mostly small ones. But got 1 keeper and a 21" Wally. That was fun. I moved the house in shallower thinking the fish might start moving in. Keeping my finners crossed. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 24 at choretime heading for a high in the mid-40's. Tore up a big hunk of sod with the tractor moving snow away from the livestock trailer. Happens when you have only one small flat spot in the yard. Just gotta replace yer divots. Otherwise, got everything ready to go for today so just waiting on my bro to show up. On his way up from IA to get his feed & I gotta get hay this afternoon. I'm in shock. Think I'll actually have some help today. Odd.  :scratch: Good luck on that markn. I see the neighbors at it with their machine this a.m. moving a round bale.  :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Scenic

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Good morning.  They say mid 40s for us today and I am showing 45 right now.  So guessing they are going to miss their forecast.   Going to ride with to go leak test a boat that the shop replaced a strake on just to be sure all is good.   The damn on a near by lake has an access that has open water.  I am guessing this warm stretch will eat up the boat landings around here this weekend.   Have a great day !! 

Offline glenn57

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Morning fellers,  been busy.  A bit windy but it's fine. Fishing for crappies is so so.

Seen 4 deer yesterday between Talmoon and the cabin,  thry look pretty healthy! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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mornin all, I still say day light saving's suks..  33 here and going for the mid 50's today..    I would like to take the grill apart today and give it a good cleaning..  need to do that once in awhile..  got a few things done yesterday and just keep moving in that direction today...    have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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Morning fellers.. all balmy 28 here. Not sure either about daylight savings time, doesn't really bother me alot, but I hit the rack at 8 last night. :sleazy:

1 more morning on the cabin lake then switching modes. Gonna hit the little lake, I noticed it's still virgin,  like noones been fishing it... I plan on changing that. :sleazy: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin all, we had 35 when I was out on the garage about an hour ago. I'm seeing 52 for the high & we had a decent breeze already when I went out to barrel earlier too. I see, our day is 11 hours & 34 minutes long (7:39-7:13) here today. :happy1: The time change is of little consequence to me as it's usually still dark out when I start moving anyway. Nothing special in the works, so a normal Sunday here. Have a great day!!
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 38 and windy as heck out here on the lake. Happy to be in a hard house today. Supposed to make mid 40s this afternoon. I will fish until noonish, or is it 11ish. Depends on which clock I look at. I 2nd Mike's thought. The time change sucks. It is down right stupid. Hope fishing is better than yesterday. Luckily I got a bonus pike yesterday. So that made for a nice batch of fillets. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online LPS

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Morning boys. We have 33 now and I see smoke from yesterdays fire.  Will have to monitor the wind before we decide what to do with it.  Used the Ex to move some big logs into the fire and really got it going nicely.  Really helped get it burned up.  Just a few big stumps smoldering now.  I took out a big ribeye to grill today so looking forward to that.  I think the Gophers BB play at noon so may check that out too.  Have a good one.

Offline Bobberineyes

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Mornin forum fellas! sitting at 34 headin for 55 they say. We got 9" of Snow last week in that storm, and most of it is almost gone already. Had a good time at the home and garden show yesterday, have 2 different outfits coming out to give us quotes on kitchen updates, talked to some other people about building something at the Lake also. We did 2 Ribeyes last night that were a little over a pound a piece,  good stuff. Kids n pooches are coming over this afternoon fer burglars n fries it sounds....See ya!!

Online Cooperman

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Morning all, going to pull the grills and smokers out of the shed today. I’ve got a pastrami going on the pit barrel tomorrow, and a couple pork steaks on the Weber. Be nice to be grilling again.

Offline markn

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Watched the Moorhead game last night. The Stillwater kids made a game of it. Fun to watch. Need to set up Pay Pal this morning, don't have it yet, and get pins and bushings ordered. Rubber Tracks America has them for $235.00, Cat is over $500.00. Think I'll try the cheaper ones first. It wasn't as bad of a job as I thought taking this apart. Just greasy as all get out. Later...... :happy1: :happy1:

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 32 at choretime, heading for a high in the mid to upper fitties. Agree, DST sux. Sheep were still asleep & looked at me like WTH are you doing out here? We don't eat for another hour yet! Had a great visit with my brother yesterday & this a.m. Got a lot done too, got feed & hay then unloaded the hay this a.m. while the ground was frozen. Had lunch at The Willows yesterday while we were at it. Grilled pork tenderloins last nite & did our gin taste testing. 😋 Sounds like another one of those picking up the terd by the clean end jobs mark n. :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)