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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6124730 times)

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Online glenn57

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morning fellers.......snowing here now. man was that a nice enjoyable evening!!!!! even got some more recyclable cans manufactured!!  :mooning: :rotflmao:

not much on the agenda either.....put a roast in the oven!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Bobberineyes

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Mornin peoples was 47 when I got up now it's 35. We had some lightning and thunder last night,  might be why the grass has a green hint to it today. Gonna run to menardos soon gets some grass seed, bird food and assortment of other stuff. Best get moving....See ya!!

Online LPS

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Just told the wife I am bored already today.  I may have to go out and scrape the ice off the windows so I can see outside.  SO that means she isn't going to go out and do them.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Online LPS

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I will watch a few silo knocking down flicks first.  Then go start a fire in the shop.

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 36 at choretime & temps are falling. Down to 30 at last check. .24" of rain at the ranch in the overnite with .16" garnered in Bugtussle. Some freezing rain earlier turning into light snow. Wind is picking up again too. Steady W wind at 29 mph, gusting to 38 at Owatonna presently. Had a 46 mph gust out of the S last nite ahead of the rain. Broke one big limb off that landed on the fence so took care of that after chores. Poppy & I just got back in from cleaning and filling the bird feeders. Brrrrrrr! After a warm, dry 73 yesterday it's a cold, damp slap in the face. Good day to watch some B ball & have some popcorn with Poppy this afternoon. Maybe squeeze in a glenn nap...🤔😴   
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 10:55:38 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online mike89

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mornin all, 12 here and hope to see 29 today..  much nicer day today with way less wind..  got a few drifts to clean up to..  won't take to long..  other than that not much on the agenda for today..   have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Scenic

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Good morning.  Well back to cold for today.  4 this morning with a bit of wind.  Yesterday's "blizzard" left us with some rain and then about 6" of wet sloppy snow.  That snow has since turned into a solid ice block.  It won't last long.  Hopefully we get some more on Wed.   Have a great day !!!

Online Gunner55

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Mornin gang, we had 10 on my 1st trip out to the garage & they're sayin we'll see 31. NW wind only about 5 here today. I stepped out back for just a bit & I heard a beep........beep.......beep coming from down on the corner where CR 35 turns. So, I'm thinkin that was probably a plow & if they were out here before 6:30, they probably started pretty early. We'll see shortly as we'll be cleaning up yday's damage 1st thing too. 'Bout it here, have a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Bobberineyes

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Mornin peoples 18 and headin fer 38 or so. We had some pissy rain is all yesterday but the wind was not fun. Laid low last night with the fireplace crankin out heat and watching shows. Gonna stop by Lowes on our way over to the whipper snappers place for a visit and rough up her animals.  Enjoy your Sunday gents.....See ya!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 8 here and heading for 26 it says. Way less windy today. The wind was sure ripping out on the lake yesterday. Dang glad we were in a hard house. The fish bit good during the blizzard weather. The bite really slowed down once it cleared up though. My buddy had some nice fish to take home though. Even had a couple bonus pike. I am out here trying it again this morning for awhile. Just a breeze this morning. I can see shore nicely. Well, have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

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morning fellers.....a balmy 15 at the moment!!!!!!! i may clean off the little bit of snow on the deck.....maybe not........he who put it there can also take it away!  :sleazy:

not sure what i got planned as of yet......anything outside can wait till this afternoon . do you like this Lowes store?????? dont recall ever being in one.........and none anywhere near here?  :scratch: :scratch: i'm really surprised they havent expanded to st cloud yet??
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline markn

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Appears we didn't get much for snow here. Hard as a rock and a pain to plow. We're headed to New Ulm this afternoon for a visitation at funeral home there. Hope state Hwy. 4 got plowed yesterday. About all I got for today, later...... :happy1: :happy1:

Online LPS

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Morning boys.  We have a whopping 7 and may see about 30 today.  Light winds.  We are going to hit the grocery store in awhile.  I have 2 corned beefs frozen and may buy a couple more today and may even cook one today.  Can't wait till tomorrow.  Will get some Swiss cheese and kraut too.  So tomorrow will be Reubens. Too cold to do much else so may as well cook.  I will slice up my smoked eye of round today.  Hope it make good sandwiches. We can't get the good Canadian rye bread anymore so have to get crappy bread from now on.  Not sure if I mentioned that I did have to plow yesterday and had more snow than I thought.  Was still drifting so will have to see what the driveway looks like this morning. See ya later.

Online Bobberineyes

  • Master Outdoorsman
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morning fellers.....a balmy 15 at the moment!!!!!!! i may clean off the little bit of snow on the deck.....maybe not........he who put it there can also take it away!  :sleazy:

not sure what i got planned as of yet......anything outside can wait till this afternoon . do you like this Lowes store?????? dont recall ever being in one.........and none anywhere near here?  :scratch: :scratch: i'm really surprised they havent expanded to st cloud yet??
I think between the 3 big box stores Lowes is more comparable to home dump vs menardos.  They both carry the same brand of about everything,  unlike menardos has more of cheaper brand name products,  of somethings of course.  Lowes is about 12 miles or so for me where the other 2 are pertnear walking distance,  so I don't go their much, although they do have a great big garden center,  and loaded with veggie plants in the spring...

Online glenn57

  • Master Outdoorsman
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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
morning fellers.....a balmy 15 at the moment!!!!!!! i may clean off the little bit of snow on the deck.....maybe not........he who put it there can also take it away!  :sleazy:

not sure what i got planned as of yet......anything outside can wait till this afternoon . do you like this Lowes store?????? dont recall ever being in one.........and none anywhere near here?  :scratch: :scratch: i'm really surprised they havent expanded to st cloud yet??
I think between the 3 big box stores Lowes is more comparable to home dump vs menardos.  They both carry the same brand of about everything,  unlike menardos has more of cheaper brand name products,  of somethings of course.  Lowes is about 12 miles or so for me where the other 2 are pertnear walking distance,  so I don't go their much, although they do have a great big garden center,  and loaded with veggie plants in the spring...
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 18 at choretime heading for a high in the upper 30's. Forgot to melt the dab of snow in the gauge so will have to do that this a.m. Think I'll move some troughs & bale feeders around, mebbe put a bale in the lot in front of the main barn. Ground should stay frozen until afternoon so shouldn't track the yard up. Prolly watch Bucky play Michigan in the B1G tournament championship. Another glenn nap is always a possibility... :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Gunner55

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Spent not quite an hour & a half out messing with the snow, made a couple passes over at the neighbors too. Checked a couple spots that hadn't drifted & it was right at 3". Our road wasn't plowed when I went down the driveway the 1st couple times, ~ 8, but up at the corner where it hits CR 35 was. They'd hit ours before I got over to the neighbor's though.  :cool:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

  • Master Outdoorsman
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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Spent not quite an hour & a half out messing with the snow, made a couple passes over at the neighbors too. Checked a couple spots that hadn't drifted & it was right at 3". Our road wasn't plowed when I went down the driveway the 1st couple times, ~ 8, but up at the corner where it hits CR 35 was. They'd hit ours before I got over to the neighbor's though.  :cool:
by mean Inger right!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:             :rolleyes: :shocked: :mooning:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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 :tut: Nope, this guy is next door & calls Maple Plain home. Besides,..............rumor is they got a kind of steady guy for a boy toy.................& the story is that he's from around St Cloud somewhere.  :nerd:        ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online LPS

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Spent not quite an hour & a half out messing with the snow, made a couple passes over at the neighbors too. Checked a couple spots that hadn't drifted & it was right at 3". Our road wasn't plowed when I went down the driveway the 1st couple times, ~ 8, but up at the corner where it hits CR 35 was. They'd hit ours before I got over to the neighbor's though.  :cool:
by mean Inger right!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:             :rolleyes: :shocked: :mooning:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   Good one Glenn.   :happy1: :happy1: