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Author Topic: Fishing Report Lakes Oahe/Sharpe Pierre area June 28th 29th 30th 2016  (Read 2005 times)

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Offline Hutch

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 386
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    • Fishing & Hunting South Dakota's Lake Oahe and Lake Sharpe
I guided Ed Boes and son from Cozad Ne for limits of eater walleye on Sharpe for one day and then Oahe for a real nice limit of walleye averaging 18 inches to give them their full possession limits to take home. I then started a trip with repeat customer Gordy Sorenson catching some real nice avg size walleye on Oahe. We caught most of the walleye around 20 fow to 30 fow using nightcrawler/bouncer rigs .Using gulp, pulling plugs and even minnows/bouncers are all working. I have been catching a lot of walleye in mud lines in 10 fow or less but the fish seem to be staying out deep more often now and not coming up as much. I still make passes through these shallow water spots though to see if the fish are there as usually the bigger fish on feed are easier to catch shallow. They just seem to be feeding deeper now in many area's. Remember that the 15 inch slot limit on Sharpe is now off from July 1 to Sept 1 so you can keep the smaller fish and the lake is full of 14 inchers. Limits of eater size fish will be much easier. Oahe is still the best choice for bigger fish as keeping limits of 18 to 19 inch fish is not uncommon. The weather has been just great and the fishing is good so making a trip to Pierre is sure a good thing now. Bug spray, sunscreen and lots of water make for better trips. Tip for this report: Move as much as necessary until you land on the right fish. Many days most of us guides are moving as many as 10 times or more to get on the right fish. Avoid other boats as much as possible and have fun finding the walleye.

Hutch's Guide Service

Good fishing Hutch