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Author Topic: What's on the stove, oven, or crockpot today?  (Read 1855174 times)

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Offline Steve-o

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Made what's called a cowboy casserole last night.  Very good.  It has hamburger, onions, black beans, diced tomatoes, garlic, corn, taco seasoning, chedder cheese and tater tots.  good luck.

If you leave off the hamburger and tater tots, and just use the chopped veggies and seasonings, I've heard that recipe referred to Cowboy Caviar for tortilla chips.

Offline Rebel SS

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If you add red, green, and jalepeno peppers, maybe. And oil. And Cilantro.

Offline Reinhard

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Yes, that would make a great dip.  I would add some of the stuff that Reb suggested also.  good luck.

Offline LPS

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I bought 5 lbs of some nice 85/15 from the meat market here.  They ground it.  Have them all made up and freezing now or at least stiffening up before I vac pack them and then in the freezer they go for good.  2 per pkg.  5.5 ozs ea. so 1/3 lbers.  Works out great for a quick meal.  Could even sous vide them.  I just throw them in a frying pan froze if I didn't have time to thaw them in the sink in cold water.  We try to keep some buns in the freezer too.  Just buy them and throw in the freezer.  When time to use just thaw for 10 minutes and then toast in the pan or toaster and they are good as new.  Nice quick meal.   

Offline glenn57

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I bought 5 lbs of some nice 85/15 from the meat market here.  They ground it.  Have them all made up and freezing now or at least stiffening up before I vac pack them and then in the freezer they go for good.  2 per pkg.  5.5 ozs ea. so 1/3 lbers.  Works out great for a quick meal.  Could even sous vide them.  I just throw them in a frying pan froze if I didn't have time to thaw them in the sink in cold water.  We try to keep some buns in the freezer too.  Just buy them and throw in the freezer.  When time to use just thaw for 10 minutes and then toast in the pan or toaster and they are good as new.  Nice quick meal.
boy you sure do get in trouble when your bride is gone!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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He's doing the smart thing! I freeze some 1/2 lb chubs and always 2 different types of buns in the freezer. Had my Reb-a-Q's on 'em last nite! Good job!   :happy1:

Offline glenn57

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another liddle trick to keeping buns or any bread fresh when its in the freezer is to put paper towels on the top and bottom before putting it in the freezer!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
another liddle trick to keeping buns or any bread fresh when its in the freezer is to put paper towels on the top and bottom before putting it in the freezer!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

Huh? If they're in the bag?    :scratch:

I do know to put them in a deep freeze, NOT yer refrigerator freezer that self defrosts...makes ice crystals form on them.
« Last Edit: October 10/22/19, 03:36:09 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline LPS

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Oh I bet they would get bad if in too long in frig freezer.  We go through them fairly fast so not too bad for us.  This is so easy to do and makes a great burger whenever you want one.  We smile everytime we have them cuz it's so easy.  It gives me great pleasure doing it too.  I also put them on the grill frozen.   :sleazy:

Offline Rebel SS

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Oh, ya made 'em into patties.....was wondering about when ya said ya just toss 'em in the pan. Was thinking 1/3 lb chubs...*THUD*  O dopey me.  :bonk: :rotflmao:

Offline LPS

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I do freeze 1 1/4 lb. chunks too.  1 lb is just not big enough for soups, spaghetti, and cowboy cooking as RH brought up earlier. 

Offline glenn57

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another liddle trick to keeping buns or any bread fresh when its in the freezer is to put paper towels on the top and bottom before putting it in the freezer!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

Huh? If they're in the bag?    :scratch:

I do know to put them in a deep freeze, NOT yer refrigerator freezer that self defrosts...makes ice crystals form on them.
yep...wrap the paper toeel around the bread product inside the plastic bread bag. learned this trick from a gal that bakes a ton of buns etc for graduations etc.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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SO do you like her buns or does that need to be on the list too???   :rotflmao:

Offline glenn57

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SO do you like her buns or does that need to be on the list too???   :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: no comment!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
O my!!!!!!!!! :shocked:

Well, I had a loaded salad and two leftover Reb-a-Q's. And....I've lost 5 lbs!!!!  :dancinred:

Offline LPS

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Sounds good.  So do you have a BBQ burger recipe?   :bonk: :bonk:

Offline Rebel SS

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Yup. Just cook the burger with some chopped onion and green peppers. Drain grease. Mix equal parts ketchup and yer favorite BBQ sauce, about a cup. Add a bit of water to it. Pour over burger and simmer covered/uncovered until it cooks down to consistency you like.
« Last Edit: October 10/22/19, 05:05:54 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline LPS

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Offline Rebel SS

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Glenn said he tried it and liked it, so it must be.

Offline deadeye

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Yes it was a cold, rainy, windy day yesterday, however, I still fired up the grill.  Made enough for lunch (Chicken ceasar salad) and supper chicken pasta with grapes and cashews. 

***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Rebel SS

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« Last Edit: October 10/23/19, 11:00:26 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Apricot-glazed pigger chops, mashed sweet taters, and a loaded salad with fresh cherry tomatoes.  Cherry yogurt for dessert.   :tongue:

Offline Reinhard

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Made some beef stew last night and it looks like enough for leftovers today.  Didn't add any corn starch to it to thicken it up though.  I like it to be like soup more.  good luck.

Offline Rebel SS

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 :happy1:   My beef soop I was gonna make is gonna be a pot roast instead... with taters and carrots and .....celery. Bought a stalk for the soop. Never tossed that in with a roast before... :confused:
« Last Edit: October 10/24/19, 10:31:07 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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I better, or it's yer hide!!!! 

Offline Reinhard

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Can't go wrong with a pot roast Reb.  I was looking for a nice pot roast that was on sale but all they had out were the one's nobody wanted so I used burger.  good luck.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Thanks to Mikey, I got the last bottom round Angus one at ALDI for $2.99 lb...then my Mom 'n pop had the same thing, same price. I have three in the deep freeze now.  :azn:

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!