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Author Topic: Whatchya smokin  (Read 161664 times)

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Offline Gunner55

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It's a Weber kettle for us for smoking here too. Usually along with apple & maybe some hickory chips. When we have company, they often spend most of the day riding their wheelers though. So, they'll do the crockpot method when they're up.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 07:42:24 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline LPS

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When it is -30 I have done them indoors when I have the urge but don't want to brave the elements. 

Offline Bobberineyes

  • Master Outdoorsman
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At the cabin when all of us are there,  we'll smoke 4 racks on the weber with just a small amount of coals,  rotate em around for an hour and half or so then put em in casserole dishes in the oven. When done they hit the grill for saucing. In my opinion they take on a lot more smoke on the weber vs my pellet grill.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:05:42 AM by Bobberineyes »