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Author Topic: DNR Legislative Updates  (Read 1468 times)

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Offline Lee Borgersen

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 :reporter; DNR  Legislative Update impacts.   
April 27, 2019

Senate Environment and Natural Resources Omnibus bill......

S.F. 2314, the Omnibus Environment bill, was heard. Senator Bigham distributed a letter from the DNR on the agency's concerns with the bill as drafted. S.F. 2314 was passed by the Senate by a 35-32 vote.

SF. 2314 was amended on the floor to include the following changes.
An amendment was passed to include the Trichloroethylene (TCE) ban into the bill, along with an amendment to the amendment which provides an exemption for medical groups.
An amendment was passed amending the bear baiting on public lands provisions included in Article 3, Section 53 to change the word person to resident to ensure only Minnesota residents are allowed to use bear baiting on public land.

An amendment was passed to expand the Wright County aquatic invasive species pilot program to nine lakes, adding six new lakes to the program.

An amendment was passed to include the prohibition on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides of Wildlife Management Areas, along with an amendment to the amendment to include a sunset on this provision after 5 years. The DNR currently does not use neonicotinoid pesticides on Wildlife Management Areas; however, this proposal seeks to codify this in statute.
An amendment was passed to include an appropriation for noxious weed detection and eradication primarily for Palmer Amaranth, along with an amendment to the amendment which changed the projects that were reduced in funding to allow the noxious weed project to be funded from a reduction in Public Facilities Authority grants to a reduction in the County Geologic Atlases Part A-Mapping, Geology project.
The following amendments were not included into the final bill.

An amendment sought to restore the LCCMR's recommendations to the bill.
An amendment sought to restore the ability of the Minnesota Zoo to administer their free days in regards to the proposed Open House Days on major holidays provisions.
An amendment sought to remove Section 111 regarding effluent limitations compliance.   
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