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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 605608 times)

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Offline LPS

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They officially upped our total to 10 now.  There are only 3,900 people living here and that includes the NW angle.  Sure hoping it doesn't go wild here.  This may be from the 2 idiots that came up here knowing they were positive and hung at the bar at a popular resort for a few days.  I suppose they will be listed in their own counties of residence. 

Online roony

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They officially upped our total to 10 now.  There are only 3,900 people living here and that includes the NW angle.  Sure hoping it doesn't go wild here.  This may be from the 2 idiots that came up here knowing they were positive and hung at the bar at a popular resort for a few days.  I suppose they will be listed in their own counties of residence.
Hoping it doesn't get much worse there buddy. I'm hoping my wife doesn't get it at work, things are bad there.

Offline LPS

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Are you near Rebs country?

Online roony

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About 55 miles east of Rochester.

Online mike89

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About 55 miles east of Rochester.

thought you were west of Cawchester???    closer to Kato?? 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Dotch

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Think that's a typo unless he moved on us... :scratch:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline LPS

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He doesn't want us to know.  So we can't all just show up unexpected.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Can't blame him.

Offline delcecchi

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What percentage of the general population have underlying conditions? I know I do. I'm an overweight male over 65 with high blood pressure.

Good chance you toast if you get it...   so be careful.    ;)

Look at the mn dept of health situation update.   Lots of good information in the tables and in the pdf of the weekly summary report.   In minnesota about 3/4 of the people who died were old enough and frail enough for various reasons that they were living in nursing homes.     I would be willing to bet many of the remaining deaths were people with serious conditions.   Cancer with radiation or chemo therapy.   COPD.   Autoimmune diseases, congestive heart failure, etc.     

Offline LPS

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A while back they said if you smoke or if you have smoked within the last two weeks before you got the Covid it greatly affected your chances.

Online roony

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About 55 miles east of Rochester.
Oops, I meant the other East, I must have been looking South.

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online mike89

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so I see Gov. goofy is have a press conference today..  I suppose he's going to say how bad we are doing and need more control over our lives...   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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We are up to 13 cases up here and 1 death.  One of the guides that drove launches for a resort here. 

Offline glenn57

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so i listened to an interesting conversation on the radio this morning. yes. it was on boobers favorite radio station!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

so the conversation was regarding why places like target, wallyworld and all these huge businesses that thousands of employees and customers going through there buildings daily and no severe outbreaks of this virus yet small businesses remain closed or very limited, think resturants etc have to follow strict rules and closing and filing bankruptcy?????

with the eating places approaching winter they are starting to run out of time for the outdoor seating, then what, and see above.

and then the cold and flu season they going to deal with that?????

then there's this mask thing.............numbers are staying level or even rising........where is the math that says masks are working?????

they were not arguing or agreeing to anything just a healthy discussion with no real answers!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online roony

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My wife is practically beside herself with the outbreak at the long term health care facility she works at. Over 10 percent of the residents have perished so far and roughly half the staff and residents have tested positive. Some people, including some of the elderly have little or no symptoms, others are fighting for their lives. One of the nurses is having a pretty hard time of it. They are testing the staff twice a week now. So far my wife's tests have come back negative. I'm pretty sure she is getting tested again today.
The federal prison in town is the home of an outbreak as well. I have heard that they moved 45 inmates there that have the virus.
Hoping we don't get it here at home but in all likelihood we will. If we do we'll deal with it as best we can

Offline glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online roony

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Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
I know. I just shared our situation which is a bit stressful at the moment. The good part is that Merrilee and I have been healthy so far. I pray that continues. Also found out a staff member tested positive at the care center my mother is at, hope they can nip it in the bud there.

Offline glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
I know. I just shared our situation which is a bit stressful at the moment. The good part is that Merrilee and I have been healthy so far. I pray that continues. Also found out a staff member tested positive at the care center my mother is at, hope they can nip it in the bud there.
:happy1: :happy1: yea i bet that can be stressful for you and the warden!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Offline Dotch

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Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
I know. I just shared our situation which is a bit stressful at the moment. The good part is that Merrilee and I have been healthy so far. I pray that continues. Also found out a staff member tested positive at the care center my mother is at, hope they can nip it in the bud there.

I heard about all this and couldn't help but think how it was affecting you and your family Art. I know with the influx of prisoners coming in with it, it suddenly shifted the local school's operation from in school to at least partial home learning, again. Hopefully they can keep it under control in the Care Center here where your Mom is. 

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Jerkbiat

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I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Here is a story about Sweden.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Bobberineyes

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so i listened to an interesting conversation on the radio this morning. yes. it was on boobers favorite radio station!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

so the conversation was regarding why places like target, wallyworld and all these huge businesses that thousands of employees and customers going through there buildings daily and no severe outbreaks of this virus yet small businesses remain closed or very limited, think resturants etc have to follow strict rules and closing and filing bankruptcy?????

with the eating places approaching winter they are starting to run out of time for the outdoor seating, then what, and see above.

and then the cold and flu season they going to deal with that?????

then there's this mask thing.............numbers are staying level or even rising........where is the math that says masks are working?????

they were not arguing or agreeing to anything just a healthy discussion with no real answers!!!!!!
Pretty good points tho, they must have swiped that bit from another station im thinking.  :thumbs:

Offline Leech~~

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I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Here is a story about Sweden.

To be truthful.  Sweden only has about 17 mil people.  The USA has about 325 mil.  Lot's more bugs to share!  :sick:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Steve-o

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I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Here is a story about Sweden.

To be truthful.  Sweden only has about 17 mil people.  The USA has about 325 mil.  Lot's more bugs to share!  :sick:

And the gist seems to be that Sweden didn't have masks and is getting thru it.  But when I look at the comparison to Norway and Denmark in the graph they provided...

Yes, Sweden's infection rate is finally trending down.  And while the infection rate for Norway and Denmark is recently trending up slightly, neither of those countries endured an infection rate spike that Sweden did.

It is still WAY to early for Sweden to claim victory or that they have arrived at "herd immunity" nirvana.

I do wish there was someone putting all this data together to figure out what work and what doesn't.  And we all know there are these people working on this.   And I'll bet they are just as frustrated as everyone else that they can't get the data they need to answer the questions that are being asked.

Offline delcecchi

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About the BLM and covid.   They did a lot of testing of people who attended the demonstrations.   For some reason not many people got it.  Might be cuz a lot of people were wearing masks, or maybe because it was outside and people were moving around, or maybe the flames killed the virus.   

They really don't know.    As for Sturgis there don't seem to have been many infections from there either, although all those guys who were inside bars at concerts and stuff might have just really got lucky.   

I am beginning to think that catching the virus takes more exposure than just walking by someone in Walmart or picking up a box of cereal that someone else touched.    It may also be that a big dose makes you a lot sicker than a little dose.   

But at my age, best to stay safe.   No bars or indoor restaurants for me..   as few trips to stores as is feasable.   Wear a mask.     Take zinc and vitamin D.     

Been watching the actual science stuff about it.    They are getting better at treating people who get it.   

Offline LPS

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Sweden has it a lot worse than those reports show. I have also read articles about how no matter how sick some people who were at Sturgis and got Covid are not reporting it and just trying to get better on their own. 

Online Jerkbiat

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There was also the big Rodeo in Effie that one person came there with covid and no one else got it. But the Great Ellison is still has a lawsuit against them. I guess the point with Sweden is they are managing to get thru it without having to shut done. They just protected the most vulnerable and are making it thru.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline delcecchi

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There was also the big Rodeo in Effie that one person came there with covid and no one else got it. But the Great Ellison is still has a lawsuit against them. I guess the point with Sweden is they are managing to get thru it without having to shut done. They just protected the most vulnerable and are making it thru.

Too bad Walz and the state of Minnesota hasn't been able to protect the most vulnerable.    The places in Rochester seem to have done it by solitary confinement or protective custody.      From what I hear it has been pretty grim living in places like Charter House due to the rules.   But they aren't dying. 

Offline LPS

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We are up to 16 here now!

Online Jerkbiat

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Yep, heard that this morning. More cases popping up in the big yellow building here to.
Hey look your bobber is up!