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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 605858 times)

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Online Dotch

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Sounds like Kamala tested negative del so she's all yours.  :sleazy:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online LPS

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Oh boy.  That sounds interesting.  Take pics Del.  Hold it, NO DON'T!!!!

Online LPS

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Just said on the radio.  Trump is on his way to the hospital.  Walter Reed I believe they said. I had read earlier that they gave him an experimental drug cocktail expected to help.
« Last Edit: October 10/02/20, 04:56:24 PM by LPS »

Offline glenn57

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Sounds like Kamala tested negative del so she's all yours.  :sleazy:
I'd hit that. :smoking: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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Offline delcecchi

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Sounds like Kamala tested negative del so she's all yours.  :sleazy:
I'd hit that. :smoking: :rotflmao:

Go for it.    Worked for Willie Brown. 

Offline glenn57

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So I just heard on the news that starting Thursday Wisconsin will be limiting bars and restaurants to 25% capacity. This doesn't include things like churches and political rallies. :angry2: :angry2:

How effin friggin stupid is that. :crazy: :doofus: :angry2: training-087 :banghead: :banghead:

If your going to limit capacities it should be everything. Sheez! :pouty: :bs: :censored:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online LPS

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The numbers are rising everywhere. 

Offline glenn57

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The numbers are rising everywhere.
I get that, but please explain to me why limiting capacity in smaller venues like bars and restaurants but not in larger venues like political rallies and churches that hold a whole hell of of a lot more people solves anything.

And if the numbers are rising are masks really working. :scratch:
« Last Edit: October 10/06/20, 08:39:29 PM by glenn57 »
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Online LPS

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Not going to get into it with you Glenn.  We all have our own theories on it.

Offline fishwidow

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Here’s my second hand info on Wisconsin. I do a lot of business with customers and suppliers in Wisconsin. I’ve had people tell me that lots of the small town bars are doing a big business with football season on. The tradition, which I have participated in, is “it’s Sunday, let’s all go to the bar and watch the Packers.”  One customer told me they went to a local bar to pick up curbside food and saw a sign on the door that said “if you don’t have a mask on we assume you have a medical condition and are not required to wear one. We cannot ask you about that, so come on in.”

Online mike89

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 “if you don’t have a mask on we assume you have a medical condition and are not required to wear one. We cannot ask you about that, so come on in.”

seen that in here in Minn too.. just sayin
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Yep. They can not ask a person why they are not wearing a mask. I have the same question as Glenn though. With the cases rising are the mask really doing any good. I think it just makes people touch their face even more. Constantly fidgeting with them. I personally thing we are way beyond lock downs and limiting things. Time to just move in with life. Can't keep living in fear. And I have been saying that all summer long. It is going to be magic how things start to open back up in November. :evil:
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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Not going to get into it with you Glenn.  We all have our own theories on it.
LPS, i'm no way trying to start anything...if you think i am, for that i apolgize. in my own mind some of this stuff there doing makes no sense to me and only me.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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So how much worse would it be without masks?  Ask Trump and his cronies.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Don't seem to be no worse. They appear to be doing fine. What Glenn and I are questioning is if the mask are really helping when the number of cases are going up. It was supposed to make the cases go down by wearing masks according to all the experts.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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Don't seem to be no worse. They appear to be doing fine. What Glenn and I are questioning is if the mask are really helping when the number of cases are going up. It was supposed to make the cases go down by wearing masks according to all the experts.
exactly. :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline delcecchi

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So I just heard on the news that starting Thursday Wisconsin will be limiting bars and restaurants to 25% capacity. This doesn't include things like churches and political rallies. :angry2: :angry2:

How effin friggin stupid is that. :crazy: :doofus: :angry2: training-087 :banghead: :banghead:

If your going to limit capacities it should be everything. Sheez! :pouty: :bs: :censored:

Yeah that pesky constitution sucks.     :doofus: :doofus:

Online LPS

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I see that Wisconsin now has the third highest Covid rate in the country.  I think SD is right up there too.

Offline glenn57

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had to hunt this thread down, but maybe not a bad thing either. i got a call from my wife this past sunday while i was up north. she said she wasnt feeling good with symptoms similar to the covid and a cold flu. she went in to get tested in st cloud on sunday afternoon in one of those drive through jobs.

i drilled her with questions, the only time she'd been out and about, 2 different stores, she wore a mask and only her granddaughter stopped over and she masked up. the more i questioned her activities i am convinced since it is also the cold and flu season that she has a cold.

what i dont understand is why it will take 3 to 7 days to get results???? :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: with all this testing and hearing you can get results faster i dont get it. she had a procedure for her eye scheduled for monday she had to cancel.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day

Online Gunner55

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Probably because those tests with quicker results cost more so County Public Health Dept can't afford to hand them out. Besides they're in short supply & that drives up the cost even more because all the doctors, nurses, & rightfully so, are getting tested using the best tests almost everyday. But all the politicians as well as all the pro athletes are using those same tests as well.
« Last Edit: November 11/17/20, 11:06:17 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Gunner55

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 I see Boar beat me to it.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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Sue said she is feeling a lot better today. Liking that. :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
:mooning: :mooning:

Yea guess that makes sense. The medical professionals should get top priority.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
:mooning: :mooning:

Yea guess that makes sense. The medical professionals should get top priority.
  :tut: So stop your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry:                        :pouty: :nerd: :nerd:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Gunner55

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New regs down here starting today, much the same as what Walz implemented the last time,
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online mike89

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and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
:mooning: :mooning:

Yea guess that makes sense. The medical professionals should get top priority.
  :tut: So stop your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry:                        :pouty: :nerd: :nerd:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!