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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 605180 times)

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Offline dutchboy

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My view.....employers can require it just like hard toe work shoes. Employees can decline and go elsewhere to work.
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Offline glenn57

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My view.....employers can require it just like hard toe work shoes. Employees can decline and go elsewhere to work.
they can't require a flu shot??? No difference in my opinion. It's why unions are there.
Although this is not my belief, if the EEOC says there required I'd have to tell members to get the shot and risk termination.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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The right thing to do would be to have employers have the shots brought in and administered right in the workplace like most do with the flu shot.

Since the government is picking up the tab anyway.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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  :doah: I could see where they might want the employer to pick up some of the tab for at least the cost of them to come to the manufacturing facility to give the shot. Like at least traveling costs &/or part of their wages.  :confused:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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  :doah: I could see where they might want the employer to pick up some of the tab for at least the cost of them to come to the manufacturing facility to give the shot. Like at least traveling costs &/or part of their wages.  :confused:
they do that with the flu shot  :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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My view.....employers can require it just like hard toe work shoes. Employees can decline and go elsewhere to work.
they can't require a flu shot??? No difference in my opinion. It's why unions are there.
Although this is not my belief, if the EEOC says there required I'd have to tell members to get the shot OR risk termination.
   :doofus: Had to change it for ya!! :doah:           :pouty: :nerd: :nerd:              ;) :laugh: :laugh:                       
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Jerkbiat

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Help me out Glenn. What is the EEOC? And I think I can see this ending up in the SCOTUS. But in the end I think you are right, the employee is not going to win this one.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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Help me out Glenn. What is the EEOC? And I think I can see this ending up in the SCOTUS. But in the end I think you are right, the employee is not going to win this one.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It's a pretty powerful employment enforcement division.
.I've called and emailed them before for a clarification or advice.
« Last Edit: December 12/29/20, 02:51:45 PM by glenn57 »
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Offline dutchboy

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To clarify:

1) Do you want the employer to require everybody has a vaccination to work there?

2) Do you want the employer to foot the bill for vaccinations?
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Offline glenn57

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To clarify:

1) Do you want the employer to require everybody has a vaccination to work there?

2) Do you want the employer to foot the bill for vaccinations?
1) not my decision. I believe based on the contracts I've dealt with, yes the employer can require it. Like I said in an earlier post most contracts state the employer is required to provide a safe work environment, as well the work rules have language for discipline should employees act in unsafe manners.

2) it's my understanding that right now the government is footing the bill for the vacines.  But down the road, YES, If an employer is requiring this as a safety measure, like ear plugs, dust masks etc they are required to foot the bill

Let me add further.. IF I was still working on the shop floor or for that matter at the union hall and my employer required me to take the shot/vacines,  or risk losing my job, yes I would take the shot. Ad the old saying goes, obey the instructions you where told to go, grieve later.
« Last Edit: December 12/29/20, 03:12:37 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Ah, you & delbert in lockstep. Gotta love it!  :rotflmao:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Ah, you & delbert in lockstep. Gotta love it!  :rotflmao:
you talking to dutch boy??!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Yes I suppose if it isn't deemed a safe environment for a business or corporation or any work place to allow people unvaccinated for a number of things it could be an issue.  I could be perceived as an unsafe work environment.

Here the County like most businesses has nurses show up and employees can go get the flu shot free if they want it.  Don't know how the C-19 thing will pan out. 

It may even be required to get a Covid shot to absolve the business of any future liabilites if it is proven to spread at their facility. 

Offline Jerkbiat

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I think it is a bunch of  :bs: if businesses force employees to get it. Let the people that are worried about it get the shot and leave the rest of us alone. Just like the flu shot. Me not getting a shot is not going to affect the people that are worried about it and get the shots. If anything make us sign a waiver.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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I think it is a bunch of  :bs: if businesses force employees to get it. Let the people that are worried about it get the shot and leave the rest of us alone. Just like the flu shot. Me not getting a shot is not going to affect the people that are worried about it and get the shots. If anything make us sign a waiver.
oh i get where your coming from JB, but ........
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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A lot of the chatter this morning was about the new vaccine being approved over in the UK. It doesn't need to be stored at as cold of temps so it'll be easier to distribute & supposedly is quite a bit easier to make. They are going to wait 12 weeks between doses too in an effort to get the immunity that the 1st round provides to more people faster as well. Quite a bit was made of the fact that the vaccines are getting out to the states but the states are struggling with an effective method to get it in peoples arms. :sad: CVS & Walgreens were mentioned as doing a good job with it but the feds caught most of the blame for the states poor showing mostly because they didn't provide enough money to do what is needed. :tut: :pouty:
« Last Edit: December 12/30/20, 09:57:41 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Dotch

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Fortunately, in the meantime here in the midwest...

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline mike89

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UK is already doing the 2nd round and I don't think it's been 12 weeks??
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Leech~~

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I'm sure we are going to start seeing a lot of "ours is better" don't take theirs from all the companies coming out with vaccines. All looking to cash in on the billions the best one will make!  :coffee:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Gunner55

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UK is already doing the 2nd round and I don't think it's been 12 weeks??
The 12 weeks is just gonna be for the one just approved, AstraZeneca's, that hasn't even been distributed yet, let alone any vaccinations been done with. The 1st one out was Pfizer's & they planned on giving the booster after 3 weeks with that 1 when it was rolled out.
« Last Edit: December 12/30/20, 01:07:26 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Gunner55

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I'm sure we are going to start seeing a lot of "ours is better" don't take theirs from all the companies coming out with vaccines. All looking to cash in on the billions the best one will make!  :coffee:
Astrazeneca has already said that they're going to sell theirs at cost so all the underdeveloped countries can afford it. That should keep costs down besides I think  :scratch: Pfizer did something similar when theirs came out too. 
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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oh i'm certain the government is paying plenty!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy:
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Offline Gunner55

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 :tut: Just looked it up, the 1st 100,000,000 doses of Pfizer's that the feds contracted for it's 19.50 a dose. Moderna's will be ~ $32-37 a dose, Johnson & Johnson's has a contract for the 1st 100,000,000 doses @ $10/ea with our government after theirs is approved. That being said ALL these companies received huge grants, around $1B, from their governments in order to help speed up the development of these vaccines
« Last Edit: December 12/30/20, 03:34:22 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Gunner55

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Pfizer's cost them $15/dose just to put it in a bottle, then they have distribution costs. So that's $2-3 a dose,10-15% maybe, & that is chicken feed for these big pharma companies. They ALL have quite a few OTC products that they sell that they probably make 5-10 times  that on that we all use just about every day like Pfizer's Chapstick.
« Last Edit: December 12/30/20, 03:35:29 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline delcecchi

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Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Online Leech~~

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Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Go to bed Del, you must be tired.  May be it will make sense next year?   :bonk: :rotflmao:

WV=1.792 mil
MN=5.642 mil

« Last Edit: January 01/01/21, 12:24:17 AM by Leech~~ »
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Gunner55

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Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused:
« Last Edit: January 01/01/21, 08:42:58 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline dutchboy

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Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused:

Shut down the country. Didn't let anybody in or out.
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Online Leech~~

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Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused:

Lied!     :coffee:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline deadeye

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Boy the government is really getting fast at sending out free money.  They already deposited this round in my account.  Now, if they could only be that fast to when you attempt to renew a license.  :rotflmao:
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***