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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606027 times)

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Online Gunner55

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Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused:

Shut down the country. Didn't let anybody in or out.
Not quite but pretty close. A lot easier gettin out.
« Last Edit: January 01/01/21, 01:33:39 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline delcecchi

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Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Go to bed Del, you must be tired.  May be it will make sense next year?   :bonk: :rotflmao:

WV=1.792 mil
MN=5.642 mil

So that is why we have adminstered 15% of our doses while WV has adminstered 42%?   

Offline Leech~~

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Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Go to bed Del, you must be tired.  May be it will make sense next year?   :bonk: :rotflmao:

WV=1.792 mil
MN=5.642 mil

So that is why we have adminstered 15% of our doses while WV has adminstered 42%?   

Percents of each states Population. Yes.  :doah:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline delcecchi

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Doses were apportioned to states based on population.   I don't know if MN is just having issues with the reporting or actually is doing that poorly, but West Virginia had, at the time of my comment, gotten 42 percent of the doses they were allocated and shipped actually injected.  Minnesota had only gotten 15% of our doses actually injected into people.   

I don't know what the problem is in getting the vaccine actually into people here but one would sure like to think that our wonderful state could do a better job than they have.      I guess they have to get the plan past the social justice warriors before actually doing anything.   

Offline dutchboy

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We have to take the people administrating the vaccine and put them in the field looking for those sneaky bar & restaurant owners trying to survive.

Or maybe Walz is on vacation in California and he left nobody in charge.
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Offline Leech~~

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Doses were apportioned to states based on population.   I don't know if MN is just having issues with the reporting or actually is doing that poorly, but West Virginia had, at the time of my comment, gotten 42 percent of the doses they were allocated and shipped actually injected.  Minnesota had only gotten 15% of our doses actually injected into people.   

I don't know what the problem is in getting the vaccine actually into people here but one would sure like to think that our wonderful state could do a better job than they have.      I guess they have to get the plan past the social justice warriors before actually doing anything.
Del, even when WV is at 100% We still have 3,850 Mil more arms to get it in. We have almost 4.5 times more folks to give shots too. How do you think that's not going to take longer.
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline delcecchi

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Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.   

Online Gunner55

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 A couple things from the early news that I heard today. There's been 13,000,000 doses distributed to the states & 4,200,000 have actually seen a needle. Fauci wants to wait a couple weeks to see if the #'s don't get better as he thinks the holidays played at least some role in the low # of vaccinations. Gottlieb is of the mindset of getting it to the people who want it most(65 & up) & enlisting the big retail pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, & Walmart to help dispense it. Just thought I'd share it.
« Last Edit: January 01/04/21, 10:00:58 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline delcecchi

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Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Offline dutchboy

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Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
TIP line: ​ 800-652-9093

Offline delcecchi

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Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.     

Online Gunner55

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 :scratch: I don't know, might want ask California where they've started telling EMT's that if they believe that their patient isn't going to survive to NOT EVEN bring them to the hospital. :sad: I seen 1 interview today with a dept lead out there who said they were running at 300% of normal. :crazy:
« Last Edit: January 01/05/21, 08:57:53 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline dutchboy

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Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.   

Just so I understand. Are you being told you don't qualify for the shot yet or there isn't enough vaccine on hand yet? Are they refusing you the shot for a specific reason?
TIP line: ​ 800-652-9093

Online glenn57

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well there is rumor floating around Gov tim jung walz is going to remove some restrictions. noone is saying what yet but looks like restuarants might be able to open. he best let bars open to. not that i'm going to break the speed limit to go to one, but.......

i'm seriously thinking about getting a recall walz lawn sign and signing that petition. :rolleyes:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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I hear ya...  seen a big sign by an outdoor volley ball pit with picnic tables covered in snow..  they have a reserved sigh there for Tim and Elllingson...   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Gunner55

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Another issue I've been hearing about is that both Pfizer's & Moderna's have more than 1 dose in a vial so when they open 1 it all needs to be used within a certain time period. That's not always happening for several reasons so there is some being thrown away :sad: which there's no excuse for IMO. Pfizer's is particularly vunerable to this because of the way it needs to be stored. 
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Jerkbiat

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well there is rumor floating around Gov tim jung walz is going to remove some restrictions. noone is saying what yet but looks like restuarants might be able to open. he best let bars open to. not that i'm going to break the speed limit to go to one, but.......

i'm seriously thinking about getting a recall walz lawn sign and signing that petition. :rolleyes:
Where is the petition? I will sign it.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

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well there is rumor floating around Gov tim jung walz is going to remove some restrictions. noone is saying what yet but looks like restuarants might be able to open. he best let bars open to. not that i'm going to break the speed limit to go to one, but.......

i'm seriously thinking about getting a recall walz lawn sign and signing that petition. :rolleyes:
Where is the petition? I will sign it.
my money is on googling recall walz!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just for shhets and giggles i googled wont have a problem.............and i'm going back to sign it!!!!! :happy1:
« Last Edit: January 01/05/21, 01:23:34 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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post the web site...........
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
post the web site...........
:pouty: :pouty: :crazy: just google recall walz!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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Recall Good King Walz?!?

In this state?!?

Home of Herbert H. Humphry, Walter Mondale, Paul Wellstone, Mark Dayton, and Amy Klobuchar.  Oops.  I forgot Ilhan Omar.

Get real.

Online glenn57

  • Master Outdoorsman
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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Recall Good King Walz?!?

In this state?!?

Home of Herbert H. Humphry, Walter Mondale, Paul Wellstone, Mark Dayton, and Amy Klobuchar.  Oops.  I forgot Ilhan Omar.

Get real.
hey i'm in for the cause.............. i've been part of enough petitions.i know how well they work. :confused: :crazy: but i exercised my 1rst amendemet rights!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
post the web site...........
just sent you the email!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:

Online mike89

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Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:

they end on the 10th they can reopen, if the Timmy lets them, on the 11th... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.
ya know Del, i actually agree with you on this.  :happy1: for the way the state of Minnesota tooted there horn about being one of the top states in the nation with this covid and vaccine crap......its pretty pathetic how its not getting in people faster, although i did hear one maybe logical reason  :scratch: was because of the holidays.

but if in fact that they areonly doing vacines during business type hours thats total  :bs: weather what side thefence you are on getting the vacine.

i'm not convinced in this state this mask thing is going away any time soon based on history of whats taken place so far, but from no way to getting the shot, to maybe to now if i can do my part to be a statistic to get to the herd immunity.......i'm leaning to do the shot!!!!!

i know scary aint tit!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:

they end on the 10th they can reopen, if the Timmy lets them, on the 11th...
that it a sunday i believe, 11th is a monday so effectively unless people do anything weekdays/workdays its still another week away!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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yes it is a Sunday, they expire at midnight on the 10th 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Steve-o

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Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.
ya know Del, i actually agree with you on this.  :happy1: for the way the state of Minnesota tooted there horn about being one of the top states in the nation with this covid and vaccine crap......its pretty pathetic how its not getting in people faster, although i did hear one maybe logical reason  :scratch: was because of the holidays.

but if in fact that they areonly doing vacines during business type hours thats total  :bs: weather what side thefence you are on getting the vacine.

i'm not convinced in this state this mask thing is going away any time soon based on history of whats taken place so far, but from no way to getting the shot, to maybe to now if i can do my part to be a statistic to get to the herd immunity.......i'm leaning to do the shot!!!!!

i know scary aint tit!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Regarding vaccine distribution...  I think another part of the problem is that after health care workers and nursing home residents, no one knows for sure who is next and where to the go and when do they get there and how do you make sure you get the second dose shot on time.  So if there are extra doses laying around now, no one seems to know what to do with them.   :doah:

Regarding masks...  I asked this a while back.  How long do you think it will take before you are not considered a social pariah if you don't wear a mask to the Mendards?  I reckon by now businesses see it as a necessity to have the "Masks required" sign on the front door.  Maybe they view it as a liability if they don't.  Maybe they don't want to offend customers who prefer to wear masks.  Mask Shaming will go on long past the worst part of the pandemic.