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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 605489 times)

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Offline Steve-o

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Sadly there will be some, maybe even many, that now have to chose between the vaccine & their school or place of employment. Quite a few more colleges, school districts, & even some of the biggest employers in the nation that will be feeling better about mandating that their students & employees be vaccinated now IMO.

Interesting, at U of M, students are required to be vaccinated, but not faculty.  Hmmm.  What do PhDs know that a bunch of sniveling-nosed undergrads don't.   :scratch:

Offline deadeye

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I seem to be in the minority here. I think everyone who is able should get the shot.  Current hospitalization stats make a very convincing point.  Last reports indicate that 98% of hospitalized Covid cases are people who were NOT vaccinated. 
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Everything in life, including life is a gamble. Get yer shot. Having a family member die from it will get ya motivated.

Offline fishwidow

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Completely agree, DE.

Offline LPS

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Sadly there will be some, maybe even many, that now have to chose between the vaccine & their school or place of employment. Quite a few more colleges, school districts, & even some of the biggest employers in the nation that will be feeling better about mandating that their students & employees be vaccinated now IMO.

Interesting, at U of M, students are required to be vaccinated, but not faculty.  Hmmm.  What do PhDs know that a bunch of sniveling-nosed undergrads don't.   :scratch:

When you listen to politicians instead of every top doctor in the world you have very skewed info.  It is obvious after reading you guys posts.  Really???   You guys are my friends and whatever you do you do.  BUT I sure hope politicians drivel does not have 1% to do with your decisions.  AND the U info says you are right about the students.  It also says Staff must report their status.  It does not say Staff does not need vacs.  Just so you know.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
 Just too much info and opinions hittin' from everywhere out there. I read just a few top good sources like Mayo, and the CDC,  then used my own judgement as to whether or not I wanted one. I'd had so many reactions to the flu shot, and others, I was just gonna skip it. I stopped listening to all of the opinions and told myself if the time was right, I'd do what I felt was right FOR ME. Then Mom got it. That made up my mind. Haveta do what's right for YOU, and turn off all the incoming flak.

Offline LPS

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There is no way I would allow a brain dead politician from either party have anything to do with my choice.  Would you trust them with your checkbook?  ?????   Politics had absolutely nothing to do with us getting shots and sure as hell better not have anything to do with youse guys decisions neither.  They could care less about you as long as they keep getting fed well.  Don't forget that neither!

Offline Steve-o

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Now that Pfizer is FDA approved, where it the laundry list of side effects that you see for every other drug ad on TV?   :confused:

Where is the legal accountability and financial liability?   :scratch:

No, wait, is there a loophole?  If the government enforces mandates, the drug companies don't have to run ads, and so they don't have to publish legal disclaimers?

So far everyone has been signing legal waivers before receiving the emergency use authorized vaccines.  Will this still be the norm now that the drugs are becoming FDA approved? 

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Lowest life form that I'm aware of is a politician, 'cuz IMO they're all lyin' bastids.

Offline LPS

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Now that Pfizer is FDA approved, where it the laundry list of side effects that you see for every other drug ad on TV?   :confused:

Where is the legal accountability and financial liability?   :scratch:

No, wait, is there a loophole?  If the government enforces mandates, the drug companies don't have to run ads, and so they don't have to publish legal disclaimers?

So far everyone has been signing legal waivers before receiving the emergency use authorized vaccines.  Will this still be the norm now that the drugs are becoming FDA approved?

It's too late for you SteveO my friend.  I wish you well.

Offline Jerkbiat

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There is no way I would allow a brain dead politician from either party have anything to do with my choice.  Would you trust them with your checkbook?  ?????   Politics had absolutely nothing to do with us getting shots and sure as hell better not have anything to do with youse guys decisions neither.  They could care less about you as long as they keep getting fed well.  Don't forget that neither!
This is exactly right Barry. Unfortunately the politicians are trying to make the choice for everyone. There is no science behind it.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline Jerkbiat

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 :happy1: :happy1: Boy isn't that the truth!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Steve-o

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It's too late for you SteveO my friend.  I wish you well.

Just hoping for transparency, but in the interest of fairness, here is the CDC site which reports on "selected" adverse events associated with the vaccine.  And if you have an adverse event after receiving the vaccine, there is a website you can go to and report your experience.

Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination  Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline LPS

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LOL  I give up trying to help save you guys.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
But mine is off topic....!! Job stuff!  :rotflmao:

I applied for a few jobs online, thought I'd at least try to work a few hours part-time, even though it'll have to be a sitting position. Need some extra cash.
Not one single call how bad is it really? Maybe they don't want people with college degrees and other assorted degrees..... :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: August 08/24/21, 10:25:33 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline snow1

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So explain the difference between "approved" and "endorsed",I smell a dead fish here...FDA has not endorsed  this vaccine.From some sniffing around I've read it takes years to get FDA to endorse a medical vaccine. Sure seems these politicans are holding the FDA's feet to the fire on this one.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Barry right now:    :rotflmao:

Offline LPS

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Offline LPS

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But mine is off topic....!! Job stuff!  :rotflmao:

I applied for a few jobs online, thought I'd at least try to work a few hours part-time, even though it'll have to be a sitting position. Need some extra cash.
Not one single call how bad is it really? Maybe they don't want people with college degrees and other assorted degrees..... :rolleyes:

Did you tell them your age? 

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
But mine is off topic....!! Job stuff!  :rotflmao:

I applied for a few jobs online, thought I'd at least try to work a few hours part-time, even though it'll have to be a sitting position. Need some extra cash.
Not one single call how bad is it really? Maybe they don't want people with college degrees and other assorted degrees..... :rolleyes:

Did you tell them your age?

Ya, 23. :rotflmao: More or less, where it asks "where do you work now", put retired...

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
I'd better contact the "Crusher", that retired Union guy...I been discrimanted against!!
« Last Edit: August 08/24/21, 11:32:53 AM by Rebel SS »

Online glenn57

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I'd better contact the "Crusher", that retired Union guy...I been discrimanted against!!
dat guy is retired.....out of service!!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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so, i got a question for the people that wont get the vacine and/or are against it.

i'm not judging anyone, dont want the shot, your choice, got that shot, again your choice........but WHAT IF.......... your place of employment requires you to get it as a requirement of employment?????  :doah: any thoughts on what you may do????

with doofus as prez and the idiot we have for a the so called leader of this state its gonna happen depending on the employer i'm afraid!!!!

they said on the news last night that minnesota has no law on the books that allows the state to make mandates like this illegal!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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yup there goes our freedom of choice
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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yup there goes our freedom of choice
i agree, but an employer also is required to to provide a safe work place...........unfortunelty that vacine/requiremnt  falls in line with that.

i dont not agree with it!!!!!!!

hell, i've been getting things from the international, there pushing the vacine.  :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Haveta have the shot if ya work at Mayo. Just like they made ya get the flu shot when I worked there if ya had any patient contact, which we did. I was able to opt out after reactions to it, but they really made it rough on others that didn't get it. Don't believe that "other options/choice" crap they spew out to the news.
Ask my buddy who is section head of Logitics, and does all the COVID, vaccine, vaccine sites, emergency mgmnt, etc. You don't get one, you'll be outta there somehowor wish you were. Saw it time and again internally.

Offline Jerkbiat

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so, i got a question for the people that wont get the vacine and/or are against it.

i'm not judging anyone, dont want the shot, your choice, got that shot, again your choice........but WHAT IF.......... your place of employment requires you to get it as a requirement of employment?????  :doah: any thoughts on what you may do????

with doofus as prez and the idiot we have for a the so called leader of this state its gonna happen depending on the employer i'm afraid!!!!

they said on the news last night that minnesota has no law on the books that allows the state to make mandates like this illegal!!!
First off I will cross that bridge when it comes. But more than likely I will be joining those on the unemployment line. I feel that strongly about it. May have to move to a state that stands up for it's citizens rights. It is already happening to to my sister in law and my brother in law's wife. ! works for the DNR and the other is a PA for Sanford.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

  • Master Outdoorsman
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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
so, i got a question for the people that wont get the vacine and/or are against it.

i'm not judging anyone, dont want the shot, your choice, got that shot, again your choice........but WHAT IF.......... your place of employment requires you to get it as a requirement of employment?????  :doah: any thoughts on what you may do????

with doofus as prez and the idiot we have for a the so called leader of this state its gonna happen depending on the employer i'm afraid!!!!

they said on the news last night that minnesota has no law on the books that allows the state to make mandates like this illegal!!!
First off I will cross that bridge when it comes. But more than likely I will be joining those on the unemployment line. I feel that strongly about it. May have to move to a state that stands up for it's citizens rights. It is already happening to to my sister in law and my brother in law's wife. ! works for the DNR and the other is a PA for Sanford.
:happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!