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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606022 times)

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Offline Steve-o

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One think I think you fellers missed.....smoking is an ELECTIVE choice, you CAN quit; getting COVID is not. No proof the vaccine is gonna stop you from getting it. That's my cawfee time wisom this morning.  :coffee:   :azn:

Yes, and in fact, there is mounting evidence that vaccination does NOT stop you from getting covid.  It only lessens the severity and maybe makes it less likely for you to spread the virus.  So-called 'break-through cases" should not be considered rare events.

That is what really PI$$ES me off about this latest trend of show your vaccine card or 72 hour proof of negative test to get in someplace.

If you were REALLY, GENUINELY concerned about all of this, you would make EVERYONE submit a 72 hour proof if negative test to get into major group events.

Offline snow1

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recent note from a friend,agree with you steve-o....

Just learned personally of another person who was fully vaccinated yet died of Covid. Something is very wrong here!!!

Listening to Rand Paul the other night,his claim about these new to us variants we need a new vaccine even tho Paul is all about natural immunity after contracting covid himself.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online Gunner55

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« Last Edit: September 09/16/21, 08:15:43 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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One think I think you fellers missed.....smoking is an ELECTIVE choice, you CAN quit; getting COVID is not. No proof the vaccine is gonna stop you from getting it. That's my cawfee time wisom this morning.  :coffee:   :azn:

Yes, and in fact, there is mounting evidence that vaccination does NOT stop you from getting covid.  It only lessens the severity and maybe makes it less likely for you to spread the virus.  So-called 'break-through cases" should not be considered rare events.

That is what really PI$$ES me off about this latest trend of show your vaccine card or 72 hour proof of negative test to get in someplace.

If you were REALLY, GENUINELY concerned about all of this, you would make EVERYONE submit a 72 hour proof if negative test to get into major group events.
Steve-O, there isnt a vacine out there known to mankind that will stop you from getting sick, shingles, poison ivy, whatever. ther intent is to leesen the severity should you get it.

i,ve said this before, even in over the counter meds, read the fine print, they list possible side affects........the have to list them. because in real life not every body reacts the same to a mediication.

hell i got hurt at work a long time ago, doc gave me a muscle relaxer, took that for over a week..........i was on my last couple and all of a sudden broke out with these big friggin welts, and itch!!!!! :confused: i used to eat shrimp, cant anymore because when i do it feels like my throat swells up!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Fact: Allergies can hit you ANYTIME from almost ANYTHING. Foods, substance contact, chemicals, dyes, drinks, you name it. *POW*   

Online LPS

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And if you have an allergy to anything it can all of a sudden go away too.  Just like poison ivy, you can get it every year and then your body gets used to it.  OR you can never get it and all of a sudden your body reacts to it from then on. 

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline Leech~~

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Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Great, that number on the forehead thing seems to be coming closer.  :doah:

It was already in a tracking molecule that was injected with yer COVID shot.

Offline Leech~~

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Great, that number on the forehead thing seems to be coming closer.  :doah:

It was already in a tracking molecule that was injected with yer COVID shot.
Yeah, the only problem with that theory is, unless they have a little Pfizer lab setup at a million locations. How do they get all your personal info in the bottle when you just walked into the joint and they slam a needle in yea 5 mins later?   :scratch: Wallgreens ant even that fast!  :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: September 09/16/21, 07:46:09 PM by Leech~~ »
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Not sure..... Wi-fi scan download? You'll haveta haveta ask I dunno Joe, I'm sure he could explain it.  He's pretty smart.  :bonk:
« Last Edit: September 09/17/21, 06:36:56 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline markn

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Another take on this.  :sleazy:

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Steve-o

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Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Just stand tall! Get yer COVID vaccine today....Glenn did!    :happy1:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Just stand tall! Get yer COVID vaccine today....Glenn did!    :happy1:
Yea like I did back in February. And I be way more handsome den day guy!! :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Leech~~

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Holy poo...............

Time to move up to Cook county where people stay apart and mind their own damn business!   :happy1:   :rotflmao:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Holy poo...............

Time to move up to Cook county where people stay apart and mind their own damn business!   :happy1:   :rotflmao:

Boy, ya got THAT right, Leech! This diverse PC town can just ...

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's think it's time to just hang it all up on this crap. I'm so sick of hearing 27 different reports and opinions every day, whether I want to or not.
Two different "Breaking news" reports, stating the OPPOSITE of each other.
Feel like doin' a Chris Cross song...."Run like the wind".  :censored:

« Last Edit: September 09/17/21, 03:41:47 PM by Rebel SS »

Online Jerkbiat

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Yes, they have turned this into a mega mess. I try to just go about my business if I can.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Steve-o

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That's what happens when people take medical advice from the Executive Branch of government. 

That did Good King Walz tell his subjects when they asked which vaccine they should take?

Take the one that is available, he said.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Local news (I was watching weather when they broke in..) stated COVID cases have spiked even higher this week in Rochester Public Schools.....something not quite right in this town. We just keep goin' higher and higher.

Offline delcecchi

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Wow, and Olmsted County has less than half the positivity rate that we have here

"Right now, 80 to 90 percent of hospitalizations for Covid in the county are unvaccinated people.  On any given day, Olmsted County is averaging 15 to 20 people in the hospital for Covid-19."

Offline Steve-o

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How do vaccinated people spread Delta? What the science says

Data from COVID-19 tests in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore are showing that vaccinated people who become infected with Delta SARS-CoV-2 can carry as much virus in their nose as do unvaccinated people. This means that despite the protection offered by vaccines, a proportion of vaccinated people can pass on Delta, possibly aiding its rise.

“People who have a Delta virus and happen to have ‘breakthrough’ infections can carry these really high levels of virus, and can unwittingly spread the virus to others,” says David O’Connor, a virologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Online Jerkbiat

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Yep. Vaccinated people spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. They just don't have as tuff a time with it. So they try and make it sound like it is only unvaccinated people.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline fishwidow

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Yep. Vaccinated people spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. They just don't have as tuff a time with it. So they try and make it sound like it is only unvaccinated people.
I don’t get you point here:
Vaccinated spread it and unvaccinated people spread it.
Vaccinated people don’t have as tough a time with it meaning unvaccinated people have a tougher time with it.
Logic tells me I’m better off being vaccinated. I can spread it either way, but I will not have as tough a time with it if I’m vaccinated.  :confused:

« Last Edit: September 09/21/21, 10:10:56 PM by fishwidow »

Online Jerkbiat

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My point was that the MS media and Obiden say it is all just the unvaccinated. Which is not the reality.
Hey look your bobber is up!