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Author Topic: Winter logging updates  (Read 24951 times)

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Offline glenn57

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It's still about wood products. :happy1:

Fishwidow, you know a guy north of rapids that does wood carving?? I seen a grouse he garbed, wholly hannah was that nice, but real spendy
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Offline fishwidow

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Dakids, I think they are different—county, state, federal. The permits I get are from the Chippewa National Forest and are pretty specific about harvesting wood from within the boundaries. . Never checked state or county forests.
Glenn, can’t say I have come across the guy you’re talking about. They have an event called Goods from the Woods in Grand Rapids every year that has different vendors of products made locally. Don’t think they had it in 2020 though. Another time to see some interesting stuff is the 47 mile garage sale on highway 38 in late September. Ranges from average yard sale run of the mill stuff to things handmade by local people. Some pretty talented people show things they’ve made.

Offline glenn57

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So that's how they do that??? Didn't know that. So it's by national forest. Yea I knew it was specific areas only. But man to see all these fallen dead trees go to waste. Let's just say I've helped myself to tipped over trees that block trail's on occasion.

Yea I gotta hit that garage trail route some year. I know it goes close to the cabin, the spring lake store gets involved. That goods from the woods sounds interesting too.
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Offline LPS

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I read a few years ago that even with logging going on that 60% of the trees just die and go to waste.  Flooding from beavers is a huge problem.  There aren't enough DKs out trapping them and there are bounties on them around here.

Offline glenn57

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Yea it's really sad how much just rots away and some of the hoops you need to go through sometimes to use dead trees, but I get it.

Deadeye, it looks like your loggers are doing a nice job of cleaning it up. :happy1:
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Offline deadeye

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No problem with discussing forestry and wood gathering here. I will continue to post pictures as things progress. There has been some damage.  The most damage is to bases of trees that were not cut.  Some basswood, ash and oaks sustained this type of damage when the skidder pulls a pile of 60 foot trees past them they often rub off the bark of the standing tree. At this point I don't know if the damage will heal and not kill the trees but time will tell.  Also, a couple apple trees were destroyed.  To be fair I did not flag them but they did have a wire cage around them held in place by a T-Post.  I planned to do a walk through and flag things like this but was not given any notice of when they started.

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Offline glenn57

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Deadeye, from all the logging going on around the cabin and meandering through those areas, the trees that I seen as you discribed seem to be doing fine
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Offline deadeye

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I took these yesterday.  I wanted to take some before it snowed. These were taken in areas where the logging is completed.
This is how it is now.  For the most part it's fine but there are some concerns.  The two biggest concerns are
1. Damage to trees that were not harvested and B. Number of oaks, and ash that were cut or destroyed during the process.
Pictures give you a general idea of what it looks like when they are done harvesting.

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Offline glenn57

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Well I didn't expect to see that kind of damage. :scratch: :doah:
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Offline Jerkbiat

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That is kinda how it goes. That equipment is large and not easy to maneuver around smaller trees.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Leech~~

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It's going to make it hard to look for Buck rubs now!  :doah:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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It's going to make it hard to look for Buck rubs now!  :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you related to Dotch??? :scratch: :rotflmao:
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Offline deadeye

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Good one there JB.  I think my bucks usually rub on BIGGER trees.   :rotflmao:
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Offline Jerkbiat

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Thanks. But Leech is the one that deserves the credit for that.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline deadeye

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Here's some pictures of the equipment being used.

« Last Edit: January 01/31/21, 11:03:25 AM by deadeye »
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Offline Cooperman

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Did you hire an independent forester to evaluate your trees before you hired a logging company. Any good advise for someone thinking of having their land logged?

Offline deadeye

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Almost 20 years ago I started working with a Forester to create a Forest Stewardship Plan for my property.  This was written by the Forester and paid for by the DNR.  About 7 years ago the State came up with a 2C land classification.  Basically this classification give the owner a 35% reduction in property taxes.  To be classified as 2C I needed a Forester Steward Ship Plan that was less than 10 years old so I had the Forester update my plan.  There's some other restrictions on what you can or can't do on the land as well.  Five years ago I started working with the same Forester on a timber sale.  It's a long story about how we got to where we are at today so I won't go there now.  I guess the short answer to your question is YES, I am using an independent forester to evaluate, put out bids, and manage the sale.  I have a lot of advise for anyone thinking of logging their land.  The jury would be out regarding if any of it is "good" advice.   :rotflmao:
I will know more as my sale winds down and I'm sure I will have something to say about it when it's done. 
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Offline Outdoors Junkie

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DE, thanks for starting this topic and sharing updates on how your logging is going. I have enjoyed reading about your experience.
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Offline deadeye

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Yesterday on my way back from fishing I stopped in to check on the logging progress.  They have completed cutting on my land and started once again on my brother in laws.  If you remember they started there but a skidder broke through the swamp crossing.  It's slow going right now because they are just using their small skidder and there is a long drag to the landing.  This should change soon with the cold weather and their road buildup across the swamp.  They use logs to spread out the weight of the skidder with logs. 


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Offline Steve-o

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Couple a fine lookin' shootin' lanes you got cut 'der!   :happy1:

Offline deadeye

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Yesterday I went with my brother in law to check on the logging taking place on his land.
The really made progress and can now use the big skidders without risk of breaking through
the swamp crossing.  The pictures are just random areas some are done some not.

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Offline Leech~~

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Where is this? Doesn't look like a lot of snow up there?
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline deadeye

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Leech~~, There's plenty snow it's just that after the feller buncher and skidders pile and drag the trees out the snow pretty much get pulverized into the brush and dirt.  It's in south east Morrison County.  Central part of the state.

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Offline glenn57

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man deadeye, drive back and forth a bunch of times. pack that snow down good driving a little on each side each'll have a nice trail to drive in most the winter. the ruts will guide you in no steering needed!!!!!!!! :happy1:

been one of our methods for years at the cabin.
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Offline deadeye

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I would do that but after 30 log trucks along with many other trucks drove on it for a couple weeks there is no snow left to drive on.

This picture was taken on the same place as the one in a previous post that showed the snow cover.
Non left now.  It's flat hard pack. You could ride a skate board on it.  :rotflmao:
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Offline glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline deadeye

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Yesterday I made another visit to the land of logging.  They made a lot of progress since I was there last Thursday.  They are done cutting and will probably be done skidding out logs today.  Due to truck breakdowns, they are way behind on hauling so that mat take the rest of the week to complete. There is still some cleanup that needs to be done.  I walked the area with the Forester and we flagged where they need to clear the trails.  It's not too bad and there will be several new main trails where logs were skidded out. They are to clear all these of any slash and other downed tree parts. Some areas are pretty much flattened and littered but others should rebound nicely.

Big log piles. There are 4 rows like this.  Truckers need to get going.

My brother in law said they could start a slash pile and they took advantage of it.

Skidder dragging 60-70 foot trees need a big area to work. Collateral damage occurs for sure.

They made this trail through a small strip of woods to access the landing.  It's at least a foot deep in timber.
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Offline dakids

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WOW!!!  Should make some awesome deer and grouse hunting.
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.

Offline glenn57

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Pretty sure they'll get the logs hauled off before it warms up this spring. Between road weight restrictions and thawing ground. At least that's what I see at the cabin.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!