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Author Topic: Dewalt Chainsaw and Trail Maintenance  (Read 5634 times)

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Offline delcecchi

  • Master Outdoorsman
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I'll keep my eyes open for that. I know delbert went the electric route but can't remember what brand he bought. My buddy used his Remington AC model to cut up a pickup load of birch (that's bitch for JB) when we were in Canada. Worked slick. Best of all, no one was killed or maimed!  :happy1:

By the way, I used the Kobalt to cut a pretty good sized box elder that decided to lay down in my yard a while back..  Now all I need to do is figure out what to do with a bunch of cut up box elder.   

Offline Bobberineyes

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If your not burning it del put it on c list, people go nuts over free wood.

Offline delcecchi

  • Master Outdoorsman
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That's a thought.   Might give that a try when I get back