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Author Topic: In memorium  (Read 3052 times)

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Offline gophergunner

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To those among us that lost a hunting buddy or camp member in the last year, let us take a second to remember them. Let us lift a glass in a salute to those who gave us such rich memories and have now gone on to hunt in a far better place. Best of luck to everyone heading afield this weekend. Take a moment to remember those who went before us so we could lay the groundwork for the next generation. Everyone be safe out there.

Offline glenn57

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nice post GG. yep since i started deer hunting there are now 4 of them that are in the big woods in the sky......and there isnt a deer camp that goes by i dont think of them!!!!!!

especially my dad........who bought the cabin and made it what it is today for my brother and myself and the kids to follow!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline gophergunner

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All the original members of our deer camp in Pennsylvania are gone. It's bittersweet to go back there knowing I'm getting close to becoming the senior member.  It's not just our group. Our dear friends from the camp next door have all passed too. The camp was sold. The new owner hunted there once, and hasn't been back since. This cool camp, with so many great memories sits empty now. Ben, Gomer, Ray and Wes must be rolling in their graves watching the woods reclaim their camp.  Which brings me to my last thought here. Take a kid hunting. Yours, the neighbor's- it doesn't matter. Just get a kid into the woods. Hunter numbers are on the decline, and it's up to us to bring along the next generation.

Offline Leech~~

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We lost 4 over the years, two were pretty young still and one of them past away right on is stand.  :sad:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Probably a peaceful way for him to go. But sad for the rest of the group.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline gophergunner

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Dad was the last member of The Olde Guarde to pass. It was just me and my brother that would be going up to hunt that year. We had a very solemn meeting to discuss if we should even hunt. I told my brother this is what Dad would have wanted. We made the decision to go. Word had gotten out among the neighboring camps that Dad had passed. Guys dropped by all weekend to visit and tell us stories about Dad and the others. I had no idea how well our guys were known to the other camps nearby. Sunday morning two guys from the camp next to ours came up and cut us several years worth of fire wood. They were determined to make sure we were ok. Deer season in Pa. came in on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Despite everyone's best efforts, it's safe to say we were just going through the motions. We hunted out of two tree stands behind camp and up on a ridge. Dale shot at about 7:45, and I walked dow to see if he needed help. He'd killed a chubby little spike sneaking up the logging trail to him. He gutted the deer and headed back to camp. I climbed up in his stand, and before my brother was even out of sight dragging his deer, a forkhorn was standing below me, sniffing my brothers gutpile. He fell dead right there at my shot. To say the Red Gods smiled on us that day would be a gross understatement.  I like to think Dad and the rest of the Olde Guarde were smiling down on us.

Offline deadeye

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Cool and somewhat emotional story. I enjoyed it and it reminded me of past years hunting with my dad. He did very little hunting on the farm unless you call shooting gophers hunting. It was fun and rewarding showing him how we hunt and setting him up for success.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline gophergunner

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Sadly, deer camps, at least near ours in Pennsylvania are on the decline. There's 7 camps on our trail, and only 2 of them, including ours still see hunters. So many one parent families, so many other interests for the younger generation, have led to a decline in hunter numbers. We owe it to our selves, and those that came before us to make sure we get these kids exposed to hunting and the shooting sports, so if you can, take a kid hunting some time. Maybe it's a kid from church that expressed some interest, maybe the girl across the street that alwats war\tches as you load the truck. We've got see to it that these young folks get a chance.

Offline Boar

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Trying to start my own, growing up hunting wasnt the greatest, surprised i still like to hunt

Offline gophergunner

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Trying to start my own, growing up hunting wasnt the greatest, surprised i still like to hunt
If you're looking for members, we should get together for a coffee some time.

Offline Boar

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Id love to get to gtg with anybody here for coffee.