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Author Topic: Deer activity can change rapidly in during the rut  (Read 3280 times)

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Offline deadeye

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Here's a couple things I learned after spending the past three days in the woods and pulling trail camera cards.  Something magical happened last Thursday November 4th. Every trail camera had multiple bucks coming and going at all times. Big and small but lots of big bucks. That day would have really been exciting to be on stand.  I expected to see a lot of chasing on Saturday but that was not the case. A few small bucks half hearted chasing. I did see one huge buck chasing a couple does but had no shot.  Sunday things changed dramatically. Lots of bucks running does. Multiple bucks after the same doe or does. Big bucks were on the move chasing reluctant does from morning until night. Only problem was it's hard to get a shot on bucks running by at full tilt.  Fun day none the less as we all saw big and small bucks running does. Monday was different. Bucks now paired and tending does and simple walked behind or downwind of them. No chasing. This made for easy pickings of a slow moving or standing buck. This year there didn't seem to be much of a transition time between doing nothing, chasing and tending. 
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Online Steve-o

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I've never had the time to spend many days in a row in the woods during the rut, nor have I ever been in a woods so populated with bucks so as to gauge their behavior changes from one day to the next.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Offline deadeye

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I am blessed and lucky to have the property. It does has a great healthy deer herd. I am not a biologist or wildlife manager but by taking advice from the experts have taken steps over the years to increase my properties wildlife carrying capacity. It's a lot of work but I get a lot of enjoyment from it. P.S. I probably spend a lot more time observing than hunting.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline LPS

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DE.  You have something to do that also keeps you mentally and physically occupied.  That is great and so good for you.  AND so good for the land.

Offline deadeye

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Some might question the mentally occupied part. lol.  Also, today I questioned the physical part as another chapter member and myself picked up, processed and salted 150 deer hides for the MDHA Hides for Habitat program. By the end we were both exhausted and my arms felt like rubber.  Now, we will do it again tomorrow but hope to only have 100 hides to do. Improving my land has become a year round process for me and I hope to keep doing it until they have to haul me out and set me on the porch. Here's a short story that just happened just last Sunday evening. We decided to shoot a doe or two that would cut up on Monday. Being there's deer on the field by the cabin most evenings, my grandson and I decided to sit on the porch and shoot the first nice does to show up. I think the deer have our cabin bugged because as light faded away and legal shooting was coming to a close to our surprise no deer showed up for supper. I checked the time and said "well only a couple minutes to go"  Just then a doe walked into the plot. It was hard to see with the dark woods as background but my grandson said he could see her fine in the scope but she was not broadside. Suddenly she bounded off the field and we then saw a big buck looking out of the woods but facing us. Now we were in the last minute of legal shooting time and my grandson didn't want to shoot it while it was facing us because he didn't know exactly where to aim.  It took the buck a minute or so to step out and turn but by then it was too late and we just watched until we could no longer see it.  Great memory and now I know the big ones do stop by now and then to check out the cabin.  Later I checked a camera in case it captured the big buck but he did not trigger it however, another buck did. I guess we were so captivated by the big buck we never saw the one on camera.
Legal shooting time ended at 6:23. I don't know why we didn't see this buck while watching the other one.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline glenn57

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Wish that were the case up here in Itasca county  :pouty: our group got 1 fawn, Yea my brother and his kid whom I now refer to as TEAM FAWN!;🥴🥴

IVE SEEN 1 doe. And with this rain and snow coming in this afternoon, ground not froze, this clay soil is going to be one sloppy greasy mess  I need to look deeper in to the forecast but I may be heading home tomorrow.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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Yup just give up glenn, yull never beat tue Champ that, so yu never willl.. :rotflmao:

Offline glenn57

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Yup just give up glenn, yull never beat tue Champ that, so yu never willl.. :rotflmao:
:tut: :confused: :rotflmao: :happy1: you are a chump.🥴 Far from a champ. :mooning: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline snow1

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So is "glenn" saying someone lost they're german shepard in the woods last weekend? a fawn really?spots and all?

Online Steve-o

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I can't wait to see the deer harvest totals for 2021 by zone.

Offline glenn57

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So is "glenn" saying someone lost they're german shepard in the woods last weekend? a fawn really?spots and all?
hey... :confused: :tut: I didn't shoot it. :pouty: :pouty: :tut:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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 :scratch: So'd you stop in Motley instead? :nerd:      :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:                 :smoking:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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:scratch: So'd you stop in Motley instead? :nerd:      :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:                 :smoking:
:tut:  :tut: :tut: :smoking:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!