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Author Topic: Picking The Perfect Spot  (Read 3833 times)

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Offline CAB

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Since moving here about a month ago I have already started planning for deer hunting next year. Looking over harvest reports my mind is blown how many deer are in this state. I grew up in Maine where the entire state kills around 30k deer total. Of course I notice units like 157, 225 and 241 stand out as units that do well but also have a high hunter/sq. mile ratio.

My options are:
Option 1: I could try to get cleaver and hunt closer to where I live in the twin city area and deal with other hunters.

Option 2: I go more remote and rely on the fact the state is heavily populated with deer but get few scouting sessions in.

I love remote hunting but I also really enjoy deer meat  ;D

Just wanted to get some locals 2 cents on it all. I do plan on applying for the metro deer tag but for firearm season I would like to get away from the city. I'm fine hunting shotgun only areas but often times those areas back home got hammered by hunters and nonhunters.

Offline dakids

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Most spots that are public get pounded opening weekend.  Midweek you will have  very few hunters.   Second weekend will have half as many hunters as opening weekend and 3rd weekend 25%
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.

Offline CAB

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Most spots that are public get pounded opening weekend.  Midweek you will have  very few hunters.   Second weekend will have half as many hunters as opening weekend and 3rd weekend 25%

Awesome and thankfully I can hunt on Sunday here. Always hated that about Maine.

Offline Boar

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Muzzle loading hunting thins out the numbers too

Offline Jerkbiat

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Most spots that are public get pounded opening weekend.  Midweek you will have  very few hunters.   Second weekend will have half as many hunters as opening weekend and 3rd weekend 25%

Awesome and thankfully I can hunt on Sunday here. Always hated that about Maine.
Yep you are good to hunt Sundays here.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Leech~~

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I think this looks like a good as spot as any!  :happy1:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Leech~~

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Most spots that are public get pounded opening weekend.  Midweek you will have  very few hunters.   Second weekend will have half as many hunters as opening weekend and 3rd weekend 25%

Awesome and thankfully I can hunt on Sunday here. Always hated that about Maine.

Really, never heard that?  So if your a Seventhday Adventist your screwed!  No Sat or Sunday!   :bonk:   :doah:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline CAB

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Most spots that are public get pounded opening weekend.  Midweek you will have  very few hunters.   Second weekend will have half as many hunters as opening weekend and 3rd weekend 25%

Awesome and thankfully I can hunt on Sunday here. Always hated that about Maine.

Really, never heard that?  So if your a Seventhday Adventist your screwed!  No Sat or Sunday!   :bonk:   :doah:

Yea, it really hurts guys that don't get days off. Means you have about 4 days total  :bs:

Offline mike89

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heard that on TV one time..  Pennsylvania was that way too right??  not sure there...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline CAB

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heard that on TV one time..  Pennsylvania was that way too right??  not sure there...

I can't remember if they have that in PA. All I can say is that it's a terrible rule. Guides love it since it gives them a day to set up for their clients but everyone else hates it!

Offline deadeye

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We could always hunt on Sundays in Minnesota. That doesn't mean you could skip church though. Back in the day before Saturday evening church counted as going on Sunday, they used to have an early (5 AM) service just for the deer hunters.   
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***