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Author Topic: Oh, Hell No!!! Python Edition  (Read 2390 times)

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Offline Steve-o

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Pennsylvania Cop Shoots Giant Snake as It Strangles Man

Police found the man unconscious and in cardiac arrest, with a massive snake wrapped around his neck

Offline mike89

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pets my arse.....  choot em!!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Steve-o

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Hey, Congress...  ya wanna ban something?  How about banning dangerous, invasive species as pets?

Ooops.   :doah:  Its too late for that too.   :angry:

Two Giant Pythons, 19 Hatchlings, and 23 Eggs Found in Big Cypress National Preserve

Snake hunter Alex McDuffie successfully located and removed the invasive snakes and eggs with the help of a fish and game officer

Offline deadeye

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PETA will probably pipe up and suggest or dare I say demand that the police use less deadly force such as getting a snake charmer involved o calm down the snake.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Bobberineyes

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That's the question,  what do you do with these constrictors when they are to big to handle, boots? Eventually they'll eye you up as there next meal. Kinda like the 2 year old in Florida,  the family woke up to see the little kid getting swallowed by a pet you say... no good.

Offline Steve-o

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Offline LPS

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Time for snake burgers I would say.   :sleazy:

Offline glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Time for snake burgers I would say.   :sleazy:
don't forget about a snakeskin wallet!!! :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Good idea!  Or boots. 

Offline Steve-o

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Is that a snake in your pants or...    ;)

New Yorker Busted with Burmese Pythons in His Pants at the Canadian Border

A 6-year-old man from Queens, New York, was arraigned in federal court on Tuesday and charged with smuggling three Burmese pythons into the United States. According to the Department of Justice, Calvin Bautista was accused of riding in a bus across the Canadian border with the three snakes shoved down his pants.

“The charge filed against Bautista carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and a term of supervised release of up to three years,” the DOJ explained in a press release.

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Pretty stiff penalty for a 6 year old.  He should get a medal for bravery.   :confused:

Offline Bobberineyes

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Pretty stiff penalty for a 6 year old.  He should get a medal for bravery.   :confused:
No kidding,  I hate snakes especially the ones that inflict pain. As a kid I used to fling Gardner snakes out in the lake and watch swim back and do it again  and again etc.

Offline fishwidow

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Ah, snake stories. I have a couple. My ex-wife was a zoo volunteer and would take various animals out to Boy Scout meetings, nursing homes, schools and whatever groups might have an interest. Because of that, we usually had a variety of exotic animals living in the house with us. In fact, my daughter is the only person I have ever heard of who was bitten by a Kinkajous. When we divorced, the wife moved into an apartment and I kept the house, which was occupied by me and a seven foot boa constrictor and a large iguana.   The boa was a very healthy specimen with a thick body. He was actually very docile, and was a great snake to take on programs to educate the various groups that had an interest in nature.

Fast forward a couple years, and my eventually-to-become my second wife and I went to a neighborhood party. At some point late in the evening, she mentioned that we had a seven foot boa constrictor living in our house with us, and that was met with disbelief. She asked me to go get him, and I told her to relax and have another glass of wine. She disappeared, and returned a short time later lugging the snake in a large pillowcase. When she attempted to remove him and show him to the neighbors, he became nervous and struck her on the inside of her forearm. What had happened is he was in the early stages of shedding his skin and when that happens the old skin starts to separate from the new skin and the area between is filled with a milky liquid. The scale above the eye hampers the ability of the snake to see clearly, and the bright lights and activity around him obviously made him feel threatened and he lashed out at the closest moving object, which was her forearm. She wound up with four puncture wounds from his fangs, and the entire rectangular area within these marks became a beautiful, black, blue, and purple bruise.
She dropped the snake back into the pillow case and fled. I secured the case and told our hosts and the other guests good night. When I got home she was nowhere to be found. I called her parents’ home, and  that’s where she was. I coaxed her back and that’s pretty much the end of the story.
Yes, alcohol was involved. The snake, and the iguana, were ultimately reclaimed by the zoo.

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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A buddy of mine had a boa but in a big aquarium type of thing.  It would get out once in a while and it was hard to find him.  We had a big house and those old radiators.  He usually was in one of them.  It took a few days to find him so kind of freaked me out that he would crawl into my bed so I kept my door closed tightly. 

Offline Steve-o

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I didn't feel like starting a separate alligator thread, but this video has to be one of the most terrifying things I've seen in quite a while.

Texas alligator sets sights on Girl Scouts swimming in lake, video shows

Videos like that always make me wonder about the folks who can't seem to put down the camera when something potentially VERY bad is about to happen.

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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I certainly would not be swimming within miles of suspected alligator waters.

Offline Steve-o

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Yeah, it is hard to know what to make of that.  They post a warning sign for alligators and put up a swimming platform and beach.  :confused:  I guess you just have to learn to live with 'gaters down south.

Kinda surprised stuff like that don't happen more often.  And it prolly does, just no one catches it on video.

Offline LPS

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I saw a video years ago of guys in a pontoon that guided gator hunts.  They would throw something so their lab retrieved it and hoped that drew in gators. ???????   I wonder how many dogs they have had.  No way.  To have a dog when you live on the water in some cool rural place would make me nervous as heck.   

Offline Bobberineyes

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Exactly Steve-o,  rather than drop the phone and rush for help keep the film rolling for social media.  Good thing nothing happened,  sounds like the gator was close to 14' long.  That's sad lps, a Lab is worth way more than a chance of bagging a gator.