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Author Topic: incoming weather  (Read 328097 times)

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Offline mike89

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saying on the news the line dropped south...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Gunner55

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Yeah, WCCO just said the storm has dropped about 50 miles or so SE.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Dotch

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Actually still in a blizzard warning in Steele Co. but the conditions worsen the closer to I-90 you get.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Gunner55

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Sis is just west of Austin a few miles & can't be much > 50 yards or so off I-90. :rolleyes:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online roony

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Online Dotch

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My snowblower sure looks nice on the tractor though. Greased all the zerks, then put JB chain lube on the chains & the pto guard sleeve. Went on much easier than when I've put it on during snowstorms or at -20. Had fun playing with it up until choretime anyway. :coffee: Where I live, I have the forecast dialed in by my location. It says I'm still in the Buzzard Warning. Snowing in Albert's Leaf & it's dark off that direction. If this thing passes to the south far enough, we may be able to put the ewes with lambs out this week after all. Everyone will be happier including the gawkers on our blacktop road. 🚗🛻🚘🚐 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline tangle tooth

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      For a while yesterday, we were in the 7-11" range here in SW Blue Earth County. Now, we're in the 1-3" range. I don't think anyone is getting away from the wind.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Online Dotch

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Just started snowing. Coming down pretty good.  :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline tangle tooth

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      Started getting some of that horizontal snow about 9:50. Lights flicker a little every now and then. Still just above freezing.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Online Dotch

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Some thundersnow! That or the neighbors drove by with 14 empty gravity boxes hooked together... :scratch:
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 09:50:44 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline fishwidow

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Good for us! At tooth hurty this morning it was still on.

Not exactly weather related, but a true story. I had a dentist appointment at 2:30 a couple years ago. I walked up to the receptionist and said, “I have a 2:30.”  She broke out laughing, and when I asked her what was so funny, she said, “You just walked into a dental office and told me you have a tooth hurty.”

Online LPS

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Online roony

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We just got a very light dusting here. I'm ok with that.
Maybe Dotch wasn't lying.

Offline tangle tooth

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      The snow stopped by 11:00. Barely a dusting. Most of it has already melted. So much for visions of using my snowblower.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Online Dotch

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So far, we've got roughly 1.2". Still melting out this morning's accumulation to see how much water is in it. Suspect a lot. Fed the bottle lambs at ~12:30 & the snow was pretty squishy. Road has been plowed by here . Looked like cottage cheese where the plow tossed it on the driveway. There have been some passing snow squalls after lunch. No graupel that I'm aware of... :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Gunner55

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It looks like they got about 6" back home in Ia. The heaviest totals are over west along 169 down there, 11-14".
« Last Edit: Today at 08:47:51 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Dotch

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There were some action footage clips from IA yesterday on X from over that direction that were pretty nasty looking. The gradient was pretty pronounced here with more south and east. Even as close as Ellendale, ~6 miles from my place, the guy there recorded 4.4" of snow & .46" of liquid equivalent precip when melted out. Contrast that to 2" & .18" respectively at my place.

Of interest are the various estimates of precip and methods of measurement. Measuring snow is more of an art sometimes than a science altho relying too much on things like AI, including precip estimates based off precip on radar, has its downfalls too. I subscribe to one of those services just to keep tabs on their accuracy. They have no idea that there's a MN Climatology Dept. gauge sitting smack dab in the middle of their reporting area. When I got up this a.m. & looked at my phone, Climate Corp said we had .6" worth of liquid equivalent precip, over 3x what I'd measured by cutting a biscuit out of the snow on a level representative surface, my sidewalk. I could see how they might've come up with their amount however if they'd used radar to estimate it. Before and during the storm, there were large chunks of time when the radar showed we were receiving precipitation when we actually weren't. Those services are nice for the absentee landowner or operator with many parcels scattered over long distances who like to know if it rained or snowed. Wouldn't want to make a lot of management decisions based solely on their accuracy however.   
« Last Edit: Today at 10:14:56 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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hey dotch...any word on frost lines yet???? i' sure iy varies depending on what part of the state one is at????

we got nuttin here...but now there yappin sunday???????
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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The most recent frost depth reading from the SROC website in Waseca is from the 17th, claiming to be at 20". I know we have very little frost in areas of the yard after taking the penetrometer out the other day & probing in various spots. On the west and north side of the house however, it's only thawed down about 8" checked on the 17th. I was finally able to dig thru the new NDAWN website & get a map showing frost depth altho I question some of the data. A little tough for me to believe that the frost reading at Waseca from the SROC website measured on the 17th is suddenly at 0 on the 20th.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Dotch

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Was a lot of dirt in the recent snow. When I let Poppy out yesterday after the snow was over, it looked a little off white in color. When it melted off the BWH & pickemup that sleep outside, they were covered with grime. Apparently soil aloft from as far south as TX & OK.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online LPS

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Yuck, that is a lot of dirt.