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Author Topic: Help  (Read 10623 times)

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Online Steve-o

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Minnesota doesn't have overly many places like this.  Shame to see it go.  Past fires in 1949 and 1951.

I don't know if this is the same owner, but I found this posted last summer.

Owners of Lutsen Mountains hit brakes on contentious expansion of North Shore ski resort

"The owners of Lutsen Mountains ski resort on Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior have asked the U.S. Forest Service to hold off on a decision on a proposed $60 million expansion of the ski resort onto 550 acres of Superior National Forest land.

The proposed expansion, in the works for nearly a decade, would more than double the resort’s downhill ski and snowboard capacity but had come under increasing criticism from environmental groups, Ojibwe bands, backcountry ski enthusiasts and even Superior Hiking Trail supporters.

Forest Service officials had been saying a decision on the expansion was expected this summer, but it now appears the entire process may be on hold indefinitely."
« Last Edit: February 02/06/24, 09:34:21 AM by Steve-o »

Online glenn57

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cant say for sure but i think i heard that got shut down !!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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Man that is one big bldg.  Don't quote me but I think they were many years behind on their DNR water use permits too.  Not sure if they got that updated or not. 

Online Gunner55

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 It's not the lodge for the ski resort but it is nearby. Sounds like it's different owners to me too.
« Last Edit: February 02/06/24, 10:40:15 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Gunner55

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cant say for sure but i think i heard that got shut down !!!!!!!
:scratch: Looks like glenn might be right :shocked: :shocked:.................this time ;) :smiley: ...................... as I found this.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Steve-o

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cant say for sure but i think i heard that got shut down !!!!!!!
:scratch: Looks like glenn might be right :shocked: :shocked:.................this time ;) :smiley: ...................... as I found this.

Anyone else spot the pattern here?   :confused:  ;)  :angry:  Who "informed" their decision?  :scratch:

The USDA Forest Service’s Superior National Forest has issued a final Record of Decision...  Based on findings through the National Environmental Policy Act process and tribal consultation, the Superior National Forest has selected the No Action Alternative and will not be approving the permit application.

“Through input from the public and partners, consultation with our local tribes, along with the environmental analysis, the Forest made this decision of ‘No Action’ for the Lutsen Ski Hill Proposed Expansion Area... This information and the analysis informed our decision.”

Based on the analysis, substantive comments, and tribal consultation, several significant factors led to the no-action decision, including impacts on tribal resources and access, potential effects on numerous natural and cultural resources specific to this unique area, negative impacts on the Superior Hiking Trail users and backcountry skiers, impacts to the adjacent Lutsen Scientific and Natural Area, and a variety of natural resource impacts, including hydrology, water quality and quantity.

Seems to me you either support tourism in the state, or you don't.  But what do I know?  That's right.  Nothing.