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Author Topic: Scenic fought the ice and the ice won.  (Read 5031 times)

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Online Scenic

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Sorry for not being on.  I'm hanging in there.  As mentioned this sitting around stuff is driving me nuts.  Even nutty enough to make me think about that contraption...and try it out too. 

Had my first week post op today.  Actually got to see the leg.  Stiches, staples, pins, rods and plates.  Worst part is this sit around with my leg propped up.   I got way to much to do for this.   

Another week and can move to a chair and let my leg down a bit at a time.  With these happy drugs I sure could give that Iowa boat a classic paint scheme!! 

Offline Boar

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Tough to po op on happy drugs..

Offline LPS

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You be careful Scenic.  It will get better.  Don't push it.  Get a good book to read.  Or 10 of them.  LOL

Online Scenic

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You be careful Scenic.  It will get better.  Don't push it.  Get a good book to read.  Or 10 of them.  LOL

I'm trying!!  Spent more time in the house this week than in the last year.   Have not got to the point of watching soaps or eating Bon Bons yet....yet.  This afternoon nap thing is pretty ok though.    Thankfully we have streaming TV because this cable is just garbage.   

Offline Jerkbiat

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I spent a lot of time on YouTube when I was recovering.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Scenic

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I spent a lot of time on YouTube when I was recovering.

Oh yeah...been on there plenty too.  Good stuff on there. 

Offline Iowaboy1

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Hey Scenic! how about an update??
I heard they took enough staples out of him he can build a log chain now.
The ski chair was taken away from him, the rockets I installed on the back kept setting the snack isle on fire, I told him and I told him to not use full boost when inside of a store.

Offline glenn57

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Hey Scenic! how about an update??
I heard they took enough staples out of him he can build a log chain now.
The ski chair was taken away from him, the rockets I installed on the back kept setting the snack isle on fire, I told him and I told him to not use full boost when inside of a store.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: well just maybe when he gets that log chain made from those staples.......he could attach it to the chair as not to disrupt the snack isle!!! :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Good thing that you are helping out IGuy.   LOLOL

Online Scenic

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Hey Scenic! how about an update??
I heard they took enough staples out of him he can build a log chain now.
The ski chair was taken away from him, the rockets I installed on the back kept setting the snack isle on fire, I told him and I told him to not use full boost when inside of a store.

That plan is shot if we can't have snacks.   This down time has made me look at a few planes.  I have rebuilt cars, trucks and boats.  Never restored a bird.  Nice piper on Market place.  Kid says...NO.  topic wasn't even open for discussion!!!  Out of price range anyway.

So yesterday they removed 77 staples and I don't know how many stitches.  I'll tell you I would rather have staples pulled than them damn stitches.  Then to x-ray we went.  Twist and turn this way and that.... rods and plates are seated.   Was told no pressure on leg for another 5-6 weeks.  Then i might be able to start putting pressure on it.

The good news is I can start to put it down.  I might start that tomorrow a bit.  Today was not a comfort day.

Offline mike89

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sounds like you are moving along nicely!!  keep it up!!   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Good news Scenic.  Keep on doing what you are doing.  LOL

Offline Steve-o

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Good news, Scenic.  Probably a good call with the plane.

Offline Cooperman

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Good news on your progress!

Offline Dotch

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Good to hear you're making headway, Scenic! Holy balls that's a lot of staples!  :huh:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Scenic

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Thanks All.  This sitting around is testing my patience.  Dr said i had to have patience.  I told him if I wanted patience I would be a Dr.   

But trying to behave... I guess I want this to heal up right.  Now that I can put it down I will find things to do.
Good news, Scenic.  Probably a good call with the plane.
   if i could figure out a way to justify one other than just fun i would do it.  Wish I had done it in the early 90s when they were much more reasonable.   

Offline glenn57

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did they ever tell you how many stiches and staples they put in??????
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Scenic

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did they ever tell you how many stiches and staples they put in??????

I guess I did not get a total.  But I didn't ask either.  A bunch.  Don't care to do this again

Offline glenn57

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did they ever tell you how many stiches and staples they put in??????

I guess I did not get a total.  But I didn't ask either.  A bunch.  Don't care to do this again
cant say as i blame ya........sounds like your healing up pretty good!!!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!