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Author Topic: IOWA..........  (Read 1666 times)

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Offline glenn57

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so i'm stealing this from IDO.......

any of you southern Mn to Gunner,  hear anything about Iowa  wanting to buy ALL of the counties on the Iowa border???

sounds like the biggest holdup in Iowa has  to take Timmy too!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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Good!  Maybe I94 will get maintained when it needs it.   :bonk:

'Make Minnesota Iowa Again': Senator proposes bill to let Iowa buy 9 Minnesota counties

This stuff makes good headlines, but MN would never give up the House of Representative votes in Congress.  :popcorn:
« Last Edit: January 01/14/25, 03:16:33 PM by Steve-o »

Offline Iowaboy1

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I hope this doesnt cause anyone to hate me,, Years ago when I was a kid, ( I have a great memory, I remember going on a picnic with dad and coming home with mom )
anyway, the old joke was MN residents hated Iowa so they would gather up on the weekends and throw dynamite at us, we would light it and throw it back.
 Now we would be a tier of counties closer the capital!!.

 How in the hello does anyone think this crap up?? Really? I have heard of some dumb stuff in Iowa but this takes the cake, they want it for more farmland, more hog confinements, WTF! lets wreck the country some more in the name of profit!! and stink it up good while we are at it, cheesenrice, lets pollute more, lets make more water unfit to drink, more chemicals on and on.
  I hope MN tells that jack wagon to go pound sand, You good folks have lost enough land to big ag, and losing more everyday, very sad in my book.

OH, and keep tampon tim, we have enough stupid here already.

Offline glenn57

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the guy was tootin his horn if those counties joined iowa business taxes would be less as well as income and other taxes.  and yes farming

he did however fail to mention it would be/could be going to corporate farming!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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 You good folks have lost enough land to big ag, and losing more everyday, very sad in my book.

not to mention the casinos !!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Dotch

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We already have plenty of hog confinement buildings in place in the southern 2 tiers of counties in MN. And turkeys. If you believe MN is somehow small farmer friendly you are sadly mistaken.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Iowaboy1

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True that Mike.

Forever and always, first rule when somebody proposes something like this or anything else that seems too good to be true:


Dotch, you are correct, I drive by those farms identical to the many we have here when we head up to Bemidji, sad, very sad, I go up there to escape here, it also rips my soul out seeing how many trees are being removed yearly for ag production north of St Cloud all the way to Bemidji.

Offline glenn57

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True that Mike.

Forever and always, first rule when somebody proposes something like this or anything else that seems too good to be true:


Dotch, you are correct, I drive by those farms identical to the many we have here when we head up to Bemidji, sad, very sad, I go up there to escape here, it also rips my soul out seeing how many trees are being removed yearly for ag production north of St Cloud all the way to Bemidji.
:scratch: :scratch: drive through st cloud....and dont bother to tell me????? i'm 15 miles from cloudy town!!!!!! :surrender: :doah: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Iowaboy1

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True that Mike.

Forever and always, first rule when somebody proposes something like this or anything else that seems too good to be true:


Dotch, you are correct, I drive by those farms identical to the many we have here when we head up to Bemidji, sad, very sad, I go up there to escape here, it also rips my soul out seeing how many trees are being removed yearly for ag production north of St Cloud all the way to Bemidji.
:scratch: :scratch: drive through st cloud....and dont bother to tell me????? i'm 15 miles from cloudy town!!!!!! :surrender: :doah: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

How could you have missed me Glenn?? I mean, someone driving a 09 Silverado pulling a 96 Starcraft isnt clue enough in itself??
It will be extremely obvious when you see that same Silverado pulling the same Starcraft cept it will be painted up fancy with all new carpet, vinyl and a new Suzuki hanging on the transom this year.
Cant wait to show off Scenic and I's work!!

Offline Leech~~

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I'm sure all this nonsense between states, stems from all the Nonsense the MSM is playing up about Trump joking around about buying Greenland, Canada, renaming the Golf of Mexico, buying Tiktok and take back the Panama canal.  It's all just a bunch of jabber!   :rolleyes:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline tangle tooth

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      How about the old joke?
      Why doesn't Iowa have a professional football team?
      Because then Minnesota would want one, too.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Offline glenn57

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I'm sure all this nonsense between states, stems from all the Nonsense the MSM is playing up about Trump joking around about buying Greenland, Canada, renaming the Golf of Mexico, buying Tiktok and take back the Panama canal.  It's all just a bunch of jabber!   :rolleyes:
yea cept i dont believe the convicted felon is joking?  :scratch: but with that doofus one never really knows. he does like to stir da pot.

funny one TT!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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Yep, you understand Trump.  He likes to keep people guessing.  Lots of folks hate his style - and him because of it.

And it ain't like he's just making this stuff up out of the blue.

Proposals for the United States to purchase Greenland

Since the 19th century, the United States has considered, and made, several attempts to purchase the island of Greenland from Denmark, as it did with the Danish West Indies in 1917. Internal discussions within the United States government about acquiring Greenland notably occurred in 1867, 1910, 1946, and 2019, and acquisition has been advocated by former American secretaries of state William H. Seward and James F. Byrnes, privately by former vice president Nelson Rockefeller, and publicly by President Donald Trump, among others. After World War II, the United States secretly offered to buy Greenland

So instead of the incoming President of the United States saying, "We'd like to foster increasing ties between the United States and Denmark regarding the utilization of Greenland's location and resources," Trump says, "I think we'll buy Greenland." 

He approaches everything as a negotiation and looks to gain his advantage before he goes in and likes to keep everyone off balance as to what he is actually willing to do.  There is merit to his approach - even if you don't like the things he says or the way he says them and hate him because of it.

:oops1: :offtopic: :embarrassed:

But the thing is, with greater political polarization between the progressive cities and conservative rural areas in blue vs. red states, I think we're going to hear discussion about state boarders more and more.

13th conservative Oregon county approves measure to secede and join ‘Greater Idaho’

Look what's happening in California and Portland AND now Minneapolis and Maplewood.  Who wants to be part of that? 
« Last Edit: January 01/15/25, 10:09:24 AM by Steve-o »

Offline Rookie

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I'm sure all this nonsense between states, stems from all the Nonsense the MSM is playing up about Trump joking around about buying Greenland, Canada, renaming the Golf of Mexico, buying Tiktok and take back the Panama canal.  It's all just a bunch of jabber!   :rolleyes:

I guess we will see the next couple of weeks how much is just Nonsense. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Offline Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Leech~~

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I'm sure all this nonsense between states, stems from all the Nonsense the MSM is playing up about Trump joking around about buying Greenland, Canada, renaming the Golf of Mexico, buying Tiktok and take back the Panama canal.  It's all just a bunch of jabber!   :rolleyes:

I guess we will see the next couple of weeks how much is just Nonsense. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I don't understand? 
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline dutchboy

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Iowaboy you are looking in the wrong direction. You should be looking to the Northeast. They have harvested the trees and replanted. They are all some variation of Pine which grows fast and can be harvested in cycles. There aren't and never will be mega farms because there is to much rock and the hispanics (workers) don't like the climate. Finally it's not politicion friendly because there isn't enough votes to be bought. Oh...and everybody totes a gun and doesn't put up with punk ass wannabe gangsta's so it keeps the riff raff out. The only thing it's good for is hunting, fishing, lakes and snow activities.
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Offline Iowaboy1

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Dutch, you have my attention, I drive shy of ten hours now,  what do ya have in mind??
And maybe you can give me the fifty cent tour, ( unless inflation makes it five bucks now ) in that nice boat with a new Suzy on it!!

Offline dutchboy

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You guys give me a heads up and we will spend a day driving the waters of Voyageurs National Park.

I have heard but haven't confirmed that good mechanics are in high demand in the Northwoods.   ;)
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Offline Scenic

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You guys give me a heads up and we will spend a day driving the waters of Voyageurs National Park.

I have heard but haven't confirmed that good mechanics are in high demand in the Northwoods.   ;)

That's a nice area up there.  I have fished a few of them lakes.

Offline LPS

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I bet that is beautiful boating there!