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Author Topic: Ole Moldy gets make over  (Read 1660 times)

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Offline Scenic

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Before I got hurt we rolled this one out of the shop.  This boat had been neglected for years.  We used hazmat gear to tear it apart because of all the black mold under the deck.  The foam in  this boat was completely soak up with water like a sponge.  It even had a tree growing ON the deck.  The owner was happy to get it back. 

Offline Scenic

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Then we put it back together.  We added all new foam, new transom, new tackle storage, all new wiring with interior lights, fixed exterior scratches and dents, new carpet, new seats, new wiring switches and new exterior paint.
« Last Edit: February 02/01/25, 10:18:51 AM by Scenic »

Offline Leech~~

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Then we put it back together.  We added all new foam, new transom, new tackle storage, all new wiring with interior lights, fixed exterior scratches and dents, new carpet, new seats, new wiring switches and new exterior paint.
Man I like seeing things that were dead, come back to life!   :happy1: :happy1:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline LPS

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Very nice Scenic!  Would never know it was the same boat. 

Offline mike89

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that is some darn good work!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Very impressive Scenic! Oh to be that talented...  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Pulleye16

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Offline Bobberineyes

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You guys do great work scenic! Hopefully the owner doesn't neglect it this time around.

Offline roony

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Offline Iowaboy1

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That is some very talented work right there Scenic!
I bet the owner pooped on the floor when he saw it for the first time!

Many of you know my boat is in the hands of Scenic, It is with him for a reason, it will be done right or not at all.
When I bought my boat seven years ago it had spent most of its life on a lift in full sun and the carpet was in fair shape at best, the hull and motor however were perfect as it didnt get much use, one of those deals it was bought for the kids and never used, maybe fifty hours on a 96 Starcraft 170.
 I didnt have much choice when I found it as our old boat was torn up bad thanks to a failed trailer cross brace on the way home from Bemidji.

When I opened my shop I was going to tear it down and work on it during winter but my business took off and I never had time to work on it so it continued to slowly go to pot, especially after two cheap covers that failed due to severe weather, you would think a three hundred dollar cover would hold up, nope.
 Scenic and I met up and we hatched a plan, leave it at his place last spring and he could work on it to help build his business and I knew it would be perfection when I got it back.

Last June on the second day in Bemidji we got six inches of rain, I went down to check on it and sure enough dang leaf cutter beetles had plugged the bilge hose and I had a boat full of water, dang it !! burned out the new bilge pump!!
 Oh well, the transom was getting to the point of needing replaced and I found out the floor was gone too, Cannot believe foam can make a floor feel that solid! I was going to argue the fact but pictures dont lie.
When I get mine back, I will be installing a new Suzuki DF115ATL5, it will replace the ever faithful Merc 75 two stroke that was on it, cant wait to see it and get it out!!
 It will be one of two demonstrator boats I am building to represent both of our shops and Suzuki marine.

Get well soon Scenic!!

Offline glenn57

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That is some very talented work right there Scenic!
I bet the owner pooped on the floor when he saw it for the first time!

Many of you know my boat is in the hands of Scenic, It is with him for a reason, it will be done right or not at all.
When I bought my boat seven years ago it had spent most of its life on a lift in full sun and the carpet was in fair shape at best, the hull and motor however were perfect as it didnt get much use, one of those deals it was bought for the kids and never used, maybe fifty hours on a 96 Starcraft 170.
 I didnt have much choice when I found it as our old boat was torn up bad thanks to a failed trailer cross brace on the way home from Bemidji.

When I opened my shop I was going to tear it down and work on it during winter but my business took off and I never had time to work on it so it continued to slowly go to pot, especially after two cheap covers that failed due to severe weather, you would think a three hundred dollar cover would hold up, nope.
 Scenic and I met up and we hatched a plan, leave it at his place last spring and he could work on it to help build his business and I knew it would be perfection when I got it back.

Last June on the second day in Bemidji we got six inches of rain, I went down to check on it and sure enough dang leaf cutter beetles had plugged the bilge hose and I had a boat full of water, dang it !! burned out the new bilge pump!!
 Oh well, the transom was getting to the point of needing replaced and I found out the floor was gone too, Cannot believe foam can make a floor feel that solid! I was going to argue the fact but pictures dont lie.
When I get mine back, I will be installing a new Suzuki DF115ATL5, it will replace the ever faithful Merc 75 two stroke that was on it, cant wait to see it and get it out!!
 It will be one of two demonstrator boats I am building to represent both of our shops and Suzuki marine.

Get well soon Scenic!!
:happy1: Lotta money to be spent on a bullhead boat! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Sorry someone told me to say that! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Yep a good old new remodeling boat is a good thing. Pretty sure your in good hands

Question though iowaboy.  You gotta pay work comp while Scenic recovers! :shocked: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Iowaboy1

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Not paying work comp lol, as far as big bucks in a "bullhead" boat, the "bullheads" I catch dont need laid next to a 16 inch pike to look huge, :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Bullhead is a running joke between another forum member and myself for those that dont know, I sent him a picture of a 12 inch plus brown bullhead a friend of mine caught years ago, Matt spun it around and made it look like it was mine, been having fun with that for years.
 At least that way I dont have to give away my walleye secrets lol.

Offline LPS

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Good story IA.   :happy1:

Offline glenn57

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Not paying work comp lol, as far as big bucks in a "bullhead" boat, the "bullheads" I catch dont need laid next to a 16 inch pike to look huge, :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Bullhead is a running joke between another forum member and myself for those that dont know, I sent him a picture of a 12 inch plus brown bullhead a friend of mine caught years ago, Matt spun it around and made it look like it was mine, been having fun with that for years.
 At least that way I dont have to give away my walleye secrets lol.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i use bait bigger then 16 inches.  :mooning: :happy1:  :mooning:

A d if Ole Matt says it gotta be gospel   :shocked:  :rolleyes: :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: February 02/01/25, 07:14:34 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Iowaboy1

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I have noticed 57 keeps mentioning cost on doing something like this and I have no problem saying that I am going to have nearly twenty grand in mine when its done, why on earth spend that kind of money on an old boat??
 Number one, there is no way in hello that I can buy a new one that is built as heavy as this one is now for that price, at twenty grand, I am less than half the price of a new one and its rigged the way I want it with a new motor and its more HP, the old price point motor was faithful to a fault but just didnt have the oomph it needed.
 You must forget the initial investment cost, I paid 6500.00 for it seven years ago, I dont think thats too bad for what I have put it thru and I love the way it handles and fishes.

 I have seen a couple of rigs Scenic has done, the owners have said, it was grandpas boat and I want it the way it was when it was new and take grandpa fishing with me again whether they are still alive or have passed on to better waters.
 Even though my dad passed back in 92, I take him fishing with me every time I take my boat out, I use what he taught me about fishing, and how to enjoy everything nature has to offer, thanks dad!

 Some folks cannot afford new, so they buy a boat and rebuild it in stages, and they get exactly what they want and rig it to their desires and budgets.
Like someone told me years ago, there is an ass for every seat and most people dont NEED a 50K plus rig.

Value, you get more bang for your buck when you rebuild an old boat and most likely you are not going to pay interest on a 75 month loan, and again, the money you save will buy some dang nice electronics and fishing gear, and there are folks who dont give a hoot to go fishing, they just want to ride around enjoying life on the water and have a few drinks.
 I have over five hundred customers who live on a private lake do just that.

Now, lets consider that a lot of boats are insurance jobs where repairs are much more affordable than replacement as value exceeds cost of repairs, I work on many of these as well, makes total sense

Does it makes sense to spend money on an "old" boat?? you bet it does in so many ways!!
And, while you are at it, you can repower with a new motor with warranty if your old motor is getting tuckered out, and finally upgrade to a bigger motor that you have always wanted, I have never heard anyone say, gee, I wish I bought a smaller motor.
I also am seeing where todays rigs after the giant social experiment are not built as well as those just five years ago, and that goes for almost anything.

I am writing this as I dont want it to come across that spending hard earned money on older rigs is a waste when it in fact it makes perfect sense, and, you are keeping more stuff out of the landfill.
Boat lives matter!!!  :rotflmao:


Offline mike89

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I think you are so right Iowaboy!!!  and good luck!!!   :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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 :happy1: hey bud you know I'm giving you sheet!!

I'd do the same thing  when I need to. Love my boat setup and they don't cone that way anymore.

Wish I had that Iowa cash though   :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Iowaboy1

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Its all good Glenn, just gotta be careful how you word things when it can affect some ones lively hood even tho it wasnt the intention.

Glenn, you would crap a solid gold brick if you knew what I have in the other rig, right now I have almost the exact initial cost of when the rig was new, why???????
The Merc 150 EFI grenaded with only 82 hours on it, so the boat is show room pristine and I bought it for less than the 9 grand the owner spent on electronics Feb of 24 and never saw ten minutes of use, Two Lowrance HDS 9s networked with a 24 volt ghost trolling motor.
 What I have done so far: new Suzuki 150 HP 4 stroke and all the rigging including Suzuki gateway connect to the Lowrance units, and, I added an active target to it this week, I have not had it out yet as it was late in the year last year when I started putting it together.
 Both rigs are demonstrator rigs and will be used as such when customers want to try out a Suzuki, the Starcraft is getting a new 115 as I mentioned.

 AND, I have worked my butt off to get this far as I dont get union pay lol.
Sure glad the Good Lord continues to provide the work so I can do this!!

For some reason the pics wont load??
« Last Edit: February 02/02/25, 07:05:13 AM by Iowaboy1 »

Offline glenn57

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 :happy1: your good bud.  :happy1: just surprised you haven't posted a picture of Bigfoot in your boat fishing.  :rotflmao:

With the reputation you got you get exactly what your getting   you deserve everything you got coming 
« Last Edit: February 02/01/25, 08:30:41 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Scenic

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Iowaboy's Super Bee
« Last Edit: February 02/01/25, 08:45:56 PM by Scenic »

Offline Scenic

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Thank you for the kind words.  We do take a lot of pride in doing these boats.  A lot of people are waiting for Iowaboy's to come to life.   I will tell you that we have started taking her apart already and going to do some customization to her.   But that one is my Baby to work on so going through a bit of delay at the moment.   I have played with some graphics and a few other things but just not what I am looking for yet.  It will come to me at some point...

As for remolding costs, Iowaboy covered a lot of the high points.  If you have a boat that you like and plan to keep it remolding or giving it a face lift makes all the sense.  With the costs of new you can save a lot.  Similar to remolding a house that is paid for or buying a new one.  If you live in a house that is paid for but you would just like to update it to give you more years of pleasure then it is cost effective to do so. 

Offline Boar

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Vreat job! Cool boat! And cool stories!!! thanks for sharing

Offline Cooperman

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Very nice work Scenic