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Author Topic: Cedar Lake In New Richmond  (Read 1149 times)

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Offline crappiechaser

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    • American Outdoor Experiences
Cedar Lake action is starting to pick up pretty good now Nice Blue gills and crappies and biting well! Ive been pretty much keeping to the 17' to 22' water and staying by the Fish Cribs .. Ice is Great with about 22-24 inches . ive been pretty much on the SW corner of lake. Just keep your eyes open for the "Thin Ice " Markers around the lake close to the Shorelines on the east side.
American Outdoor Experiences
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Mn/Wi DNR Certified Family Mentors

Online glenn57

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Would that be New Richmond  Wi??

My stepdad lives there. Pretty sure that's the lake he fishes this time of year 
Since my mom passed, I don't see or talk to him much
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline crappiechaser

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    • American Outdoor Experiences
Would that be New Richmond  Wi??

My stepdad lives there. Pretty sure that's the lake he fishes this time of year 
Since my mom passed, I don't see or talk to him much

yep , the very same .. Great lake
American Outdoor Experiences
We supply a mobile fishing pond for your public and private venues
Event Planning
Mn/Wi DNR Certified Family Mentors