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Author Topic: boat saftey  (Read 110 times)

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Online glenn57

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so....over on IDO a thread was started regarding boat saftey. of course there's quite the conversations as usual  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

BUT apparently as of July 1 this year anyone under the age of 21 will be required to complete a boaters saftety course.
on JULY  1 2028 anyone under the age of 41 will be required to also.

now.......i dont fall into either one of them categories but personally dont see this as a bad thing. i did the firearms and snowmobile course..i wasnt required to do the ATV one.

any opinions?????? i personally havent seen anything regarding this anywhere but over there or advertising boaters saftey courses.........

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Online LPS

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I have been trying to get our grandson to take the online course.  He is only 13

Online glenn57

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I have been trying to get our grandson to take the online course.  He is only 13
i get it the online stuff is the way it's trending and maybe I'm old fashioned  but I don't think it's near as effective as in person hands on .
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Pulleye16

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I'm also too old for this to matter but here's my opinion since asked... ;)


Tell me what the current problem is and show me how this money-making law is going to fix it.  :confused:

Did Snowmobile fatalities reduce when this law was applied?
Did ATV fatalities reduce when this law was applied?

If the answers to these questions are positive, then I'm all for it. But with very limited preliminary research, I saw that ATV fatalities HAS NOT been any better and I doubt snowmobile is any different.

IMO, anyone who does NOT have a driver license should be required to do this. Anyone WITH a driver's license should not. If I had a kid, I'd be a parent...and make sure they know what they are doing and to do it safe and right. I don't need the government to charge me $XXX to watch some stupid video online and then expect them to be proficient at boating. The governments method is probably actually you'll have all these people who "think" they know what they're doing cause they watch a video online.

 I had to do this for snowmobile cause I received a warning while out ice fishing (I don't really trail ride) as I just missed the cutoff by age....and I can tell you I learned nothing from it.  :thumbs: but here's my $$$ to make you happy.  :crazy:

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Online LPS

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Back in about 2006 I bought a new Arctic Cat ATV.  They gave me a check for $100 after I attended a half day of training.  Part in classroom and part on an obstacle course.  Was fun and I got $100 after I completed it.
« Last Edit: Today at 04:06:09 PM by LPS »

Online Bobberineyes

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I get the 21, but I sure as heck don't get the 41????? They just pull this number otta a hat???

Online glenn57

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I get the 21, but I sure as heck don't get the 41????? They just pull this number otta a hat???
yea that's pretty much a head scratcher for me too. :scratch: :coffee:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!