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Author Topic: Boys will be boys...I guess...omg..omg..omg!  (Read 5677 times)

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Offline GirlGuide

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So this morning, like every other morning, I get up and then go wake my kids up for school.  Well today, like almost everyday, something funny happens.  This one, I couldn't pass up on telling you all about it. 

Well I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth, our 6yr old boy Billy, follows right behind me.  He needs to go the bathroom...fine..whatever..I haven't had the bathroom alone in about 5 yrs, why should today be any different.  Anyway, as I am brushing my teeth, I hear Billy giggle and say..."man..that thing is big!!"  I look over at him and see that he is staring down at his of course I have to laugh a little bit...but I am pretty use to this now with both my 5 and 6 yr old boys...but I still find it funny everytime.  Well then Billy says to me..."Mom ya know when it's this big, I can carry my bike lock on it!!"

That's where the "OhMyGod...OhMyGod...OhMyGod!" part comes from! I mean what do you say to something like that?  I of course tried to make it not such a big deal..I said ..."hhmm, well that's very interesting why don't you go get yourself dressed for school" (if you can squeeze into your jeans~haha!) as I'm trying not to bust a gut laughing at him.

 Well, I thought that comment from Billy deserved a call to his dad at work....Of course dad's comment wasn't much better, he gave a big "atta boy" and a good laugh! 

Boys...i tell ya!!  :party1:


Offline Grute Man

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Too funny.  One of my boys was talkin to Mamma Grute about the same predicament one morning and he said "You know when its big like this it feels like there's a bone in it."   :rotflmao:  That's mah boy!   ;D
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Offline GirlGuide

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lmao Grute...see know exactly where I'm comin' from!  :rotflmao:  gg

Offline The General

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At first I thought he was talking about the monster log he dropped in the toilet. 
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funny...  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: guess i know what i have comeing

Offline LLtaxidermy

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What's so funny? I still try to hang stuff on mine!! JK, that is hilarious!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Lee Ledford
Leland Ledford Taxidermy

Offline Wagz

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What's so funny? I still try to hang stuff on mine!! JK, that is hilarious!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I heard the women really like it when you come out of the shower with a wet towel hanging  off it !!!   Look Hun no Hands  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I have an 8 and 4 yr old so I know what you are going through !

They were sitting in the back seat when I was driving them and the older one was telling the younger one that he came out of mom's butt when he was born ..all kids come out the butt he said ..which put the 4yr old in tears cause he came out of moms tummy not her butt ! I had to calm him down before dropping him off at daycare and I was praying I was not going to get a call to explain why he was crying

Offline Tami

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Great story GG thanks for sharing that. It is something that happens in each and every family lol. The hard part is not to burst out in laughter. Biting the tongue doesnt work lol.  That just to cool GG.. You will have me thinking back now with my Son and i will be smiling and laughing all day
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Offline Duckslayer

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If you are in the bathroom shaving and young one comes in to p don't talk to them till they are done.  I said "mornin bud" to my son once and he turned to me and said "morning dad" and when he did my leg got suddenly warmed up.  Opppps.  Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

Offline GirlGuide

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Oh my gosh, these stories are SO funny!!! I can't stop laughing!!

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


 :dancinred:  gg

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If you are in the bathroom shaving and young one comes in to p don't talk to them till they are done.  I said "mornin bud" to my son once and he turned to me and said "morning dad" and when he did my leg got suddenly warmed up.  Opppps.  Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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