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Author Topic: So what do we do now?  (Read 8664 times)

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Offline MnArch

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Now that the hunting season is over, what do all of us camo clad bow junkies do?  Well we can sit on the couch and drink beer, we can watch the hunting channel..........well i guess this stuff is a given, but we can also get involved in winter archery activities.  Some people have the major misconception that indoor target shooting is for "spot shooters" and not so much for "hunters".  They say "a deer doesn't stand still like a paper target so what's the point".  I'll tell you what the point is.....A GOOD SHOOTER IS A GOOD SHOOTER!  Shooting indoors gives you something to track your progress as an archer.  It helps with your form and also your mental edge.  You would be amazed at how keeping score increases the amount of adrenaline in your system (especially when your shooting for your personal best).  So get involved.  Shoot a couple tournaments. Put yourself in a pressured situation.  It goes hand in hand with shooting at the game of your choice.  But most of all have fun with the sport!
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Minnesota Archery
(320) 693-2061

Offline Grute Man

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I've been thinking of trying a 3D shoot/tourny.  All 3 of my kids have bows now so I'd like to spend some time just helping them at the 10 or 20 yard indoor range.  My middle child will be 12 this year and I KNOW he wants to hunt.  If I work with him enough, he could maybe bow hunt this fall.

I told my oldest he had to pass the same test the MBRB sets as their standard.  That gave him a goal to shoot for.

If ya don't know where ya are, go back to da beginnin.

Offline deadeye

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I shoot in an indoor "hunter" league.   
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline trophy time

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Go buy a new bow.  Get my new Mathews in a couple days. :party3:
Trophy Time Taxidermy & Antler Reproductions
4025 Cty Rd 145
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
" Preserving a lifetime of memories "

Offline Crazy4Outdoors

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Go turkey hunting!!

Offline AussieArcher

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Go roo hunting!!!! woo hoo. or maybe billy goats?? will keep you posted.


Offline Mayfly

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I am saving up for a new bow...hopefully will get that in early April and then start shooting as much as possible.

I also will start scouting here in a week or two when we get out of the -0 weather. A lot of work to do before the season begins, glad we have 9 months!

Offline Super Star!

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Tim what kinda bow???? and dont say it starts with a M... if your ganna go that route just try a bow tech..and i bet you walk out with it ... peace

Offline Mayfly

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Tim what kinda bow???? and dont say it starts with a M... if your ganna go that route just try a bow tech..and i bet you walk out with it ... peace

No clue at this point......suggestions?

Offline Super Star!

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guardian....... by bow tech or the new x force by PSE i have the step down from the guardian and i like it better than the Matthews i had. lot more consistant... i shot the x force and if i can talk the woman into letting me spend some more money im ganna get it. smoth fast quite but its a toss up........shoot a bunch before you buy.......

Offline tripnchip

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This old neck and back wont take shooting in a touney anymore so i just put the target in the basement and shoot the few fee i'm allowed.

Offline trophy time

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  I guess it is all a persons personal preference, because I drew back the guardian and the PSE and did not like either one.  I have shot PSE my whole life and tomarrow, I will be picking up my new mathews.  The bow to me drew back smooth and let up smooth, and when I shot it there was no hand shock.  It was fast and smooth.  Who knows what will happen after this when I decide I should have a new bow, I will go out again and try to shoot alot of the different brands and decide from there.  Each person is different, and one bow might feel like crap to one person but the next person that picks it up might love it.
Trophy Time Taxidermy & Antler Reproductions
4025 Cty Rd 145
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
" Preserving a lifetime of memories "

Offline AussieArcher

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I think that bowtech is the bomb, i have tried many different bows and brands, bowtech are always leading the way when it comes to technology and innovation. My first bow was a diamond by bowtech then i went to matthews for a target bow and eventually came back to bowtech, i am shooting an 82nd Airbourne at the moment and not to mention it being the fastest bow in the world right now, it feels great and is quick and smooth. But i guess when it comes to this very important topic it really does come down to user preference. all i can say is use what feels right and do it, the results will speak for themselves.

jp downunder
let em fly

Offline Grute Man

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Hey JP, welcome to MNO.  Cool to see someone here from so far away.  Most of us are from Minnesota so maybe you can enlighten us to your season dates and what you do after or between seasons.

What kind of tournies do you have down under?
If ya don't know where ya are, go back to da beginnin.

Offline AussieArcher

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Well we have a range of hunting seasons here in Australia, for example New South Wales which is a state on the east coast the deer seasons for hog deer are 1 April to 30 april, Red, wapiti and fallow deer is from 1 march to 31 october and chital, sambar and rusa deer can be hunted all year round which is pretty sweet. Then all other animal is pretty much open season.
But here in Western Australia where i live there is no seasons for anything its always open season on everything, although some place require permission to be on public land.
We also have target shooting for archery in with many different clubs involved but most people here shoot olympic recurve, mostly due to the slow pace at which the new gear arrives here, its easy to keep on top and somewhat cheaper with a recurve.
but yeah its about 90 degrees today and Australia is not a bad place to hang out, although i always miss minnesota, can't wait to come back for a boundry waters hunt in september.

Offline Super Star!

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Aussie got a spare room?? lol      got any pics to share would be cool to see......... peace SS

Offline MnArch

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Aussie got a spare room?? lol      got any pics to share would be cool to see......... peace SS
Super Star, The real question is do you have room for a full body kangaroo mount? 
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Minnesota Archery
(320) 693-2061