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Author Topic: Ice King Auger Help  (Read 11810 times)

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Offline Go Big Red!

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One of my students has brought in an Ice King auger.  He thinks it's from the late 70's to early 80's.
It's a 3hp two-cycle heavy beast of a power head. A Lauson engine which I believe switched to Tecumseh and they no longer exist as a company and replacement parts are increasingly difficult to find since Tecumseh went out of business 2 years ago now.

Anyone familiar with this brand?

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Offline BiggA

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That looks almost like the old eskimo I just sold except the eskimo was orange.

Offline Sew Sille

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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Thats a tecumseh.what do you need?any small enge shop has moter for out of bus? where did you get that??just looked on line didnt say anything about that!If i can help let me know i worked onthem over 30 years.Wes

Offline Go Big Red!

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Tecumseh went out two Decembers ago if my time line is correct.  Their after market parts were bought out and that company hasn't been the best in providing those replacement parts.  We have had problems finding piston ring sets and gasket sets for even lawn mower engines.

We're looking to see if anyone has any information on the Ice King line of augers as a starting point.

"Just read this in my latest issue of OPE...It's old news now but I'm sure there are a lot of folks that don't know this... Effective December 15, 2008, Tecumseh Products Co. will close it's engine plant and exit the engine business. Tecumseh was bought by Platinum Equity in 2007 with the sale being finalized on Nov. 12, 2007. Now we wait for the other shoe to drop and see what happens from here...has the long line that started with Lauson in 1895 finally come to an end?"
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Offline Go Big Red!

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Anyone else have any info?
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Offline doomanmxz99

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You could try D Rock in New Brighton. They should be able to help you out. I have one but the model is 1112 and they had a rebuild kit for the carb. 3hp Tecumseh engine.

Offline Go Big Red!

  • Master Outdoorsman
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Thanks for the info.
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A and C small engines can get the parts.   I just came from there.  The new motor that will be coming out soon will once again be  called Lauson.  The company that bought out Tecumseh is providing parts again.  The Lauson will be similar to a Honda engine manufactured in China. 

            A&C Small Engine     (located in the basement of Bobby and Steve's Autoworld)
            3828 Central Ave. NE
            Columbia Heights,MN 55421


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