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Author Topic: Walleye season is done but not CRAPPIES , New Report 2/25  (Read 1625 times)

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Offline WestWindResort

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  • West Wind Resort on Upper Red Lake
    • West Wind Resort
Now that walleye season is closed till May, the crappie hunters are on the loose. They are drilling and looking and starting to come up with a few. Two days in a row now, I have counted more crappies than walleyes in the gut pails. Things are starting to look up as the year progresses. The warm temps are helping and stable weather will be a key factor in the weeks to come. The crappies that are being caught are from 8-11 pm. You need to be alone and unbothered for the best results. A few nice sized perch are also being caught, which makes for a nice change of pace and a nice plate of fish too!!
 On another note, our snowmobile trails are looking good. The forecast is for a little more snow this week which should make the trails really nice. They are doing some logging on the trail from Kelliher to Waskish so if you use the flowing well trail you can bypass all the logging and the trail is very nice. Come on up for some crappie fishing and great snowmobile riding. Good Luck and Have Fun!!!
West Wind Resort
54719 Hwy 72 NE
Waskish, MN 56685