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Author Topic: 12/13/09 Report (Dist. 6-11)  (Read 2337 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 6 - Two Harbors area

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Tofte) checked the last few muzzleloader hunters of the season out in the bitter cold. Hunting activity was low with few success stories. The Officer followed up on a trespass and litter case. Fishermen and ice skaters are venturing on the lakes. The Officer urges people to be careful on the ice as there are still thin spots on the lakes. Wahlstrom attended a Use of Force meeting at Camp Ripley. The Officer helped teach a snowmobile safety class where all the students passed. A moose was hit by a car and only one person called it in. Before the Officer could get there, someone else sawed off the antlers and did not call the moose in. The Officer helped field dress the moose and provide samples for testing with the wildlife biologist from Two Harbors.

CO Mary Manning (Hovland) assisted with DNR Wildlife with fur registration. One trapper was caught attempting to register fur taken last season; furs were seized and a ticket issued. Manning helped with snowmobile safety classes and field testing. The officer also attended training for emergency response to plane crashes. Ice is improving with the cold temperatures and lack of snowfall, but many thin and open spots exist so sledders are advised to use caution. There is still insufficient snow for snowmobiling.

CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) assisted with snowmobile safety field day where 20 new snowmobilers received their safety certificates. He checked early ice anglers with a few perch and walleye on the ice. He also assisted local DNR Wildlife staff with fur registration. A few more trappers registered fur than last year. Also, the fur harvest appears up. Enforcement action was taken for over limit of pine marten.

CO John Velsvaag (Ely) attending a meeting in Ely regarding wolf delisting and transferring wolf management to the state DNR.

CO Marty Stage (Ely) spent time working on cases leftover from the deer season, dealt with a lynx incident, and attended an informative wolf delisting meeting in Ely this week. Ice is forming nicely on the lakes with the cold weather we’re having, but there is still need for caution as there are still a lot of bad areas.

Babbitt - vacant.

Silver Bay - vacant.

District 7 - Grand Rapids area

CO Jeff Koehn (Grand Rapids - OHV Specialist) patrolled for OHV activity. He conducted follow up work on open investigations from the firearms deer season. CO Koehn registered marten, fisher and bobcat pelts in Effie. He attended a meeting of the Itasca County Trails Task Force.

CO Jon Paurus (Hill City) followed up on trapping complaints and wrapped up a mostly quiet muzzleloader season. An issue of a structure that was built on state property was addressed. Ice fishing and spearing season has begun as the area lakes went from open water to 5 plus inches of ice in the last 10 days.

CO Gary Lefebvre (Pengilly) worked trappers, snowmobiles and muzzle loader deer hunters. He also encountered the first ice fishermen of the season this week.

CO Randy Patten (Northome) checked muzzleloader hunters, trappers, anglers, and spearers. Discussed timber issues with forestry, performed equipment maintenance, and seized unregistered fur.

CO Thomas Sutherland (Grand Rapids) worked early ice fishing enforcement with some individuals venturing out onto the small local lakes. Remember to be very carefully during the early ice season as ice thickness varies from lake to lake. Trapping enforcement was also done where an untagged pine marten and otter were found to be possessed by an individual.

CO Sarah Sindelir (Grand Rapids) checked muzzleloader hunters as well archery deer hunters. CO Sindelir investigated a deer baiting complaint. She investigated a complaint of shooting from the road where a deer was found wounded. Unfortunately, she was forced to dispatch it.

CO Mike Fairbanks (Deer River) patrolled area lakes checking anglers and spear fishermen. Fishing success was good early last week with good ice (7-inches) found in the Third River area of Winnie. CO Fairbanks also checked trappers and assisted with furbearer registration. He assisted the Itasca County Sheriff’s Department with a house fire and with a shopping event for under privileged children.

Bigfork - vacant.

District 8 - Cloquet area

CO Randy Hanzal (Duluth) reports muzzleloader hunters were checked during their last weekend of the season. Another deer was reportedly shot by poachers inside the city limits. An injured goose whose banding tag had attached itself to a large block of ice was captured and released after the block of ice was removed by the local fire department. An eagle was reportedly seen crashing into a large light pole. The eagle was later found dead near the base of the pole and turned over to the Bad River Band for ceremonial use. A large snowmobile safety class was also attended during the week.

CO Andy Schmidt (Brookston) reports that most of the lakes in the area are covered and many anglers are walking out on the ice. Many anglers are reporting 5-6 inches of ice. Schmidt taught at a local snowmobile safety class and attended the instructor update class. The officer also assisted at fur registration in Cloquet. Equipment maintenance was also performed.

CO Scott Staples (Carlton) attended training in Duluth on law enforcement photography. The final days of the special muzzleloader hunt in Jay Cooke State Park was worked with little success to report. Assistance was given to some hunters when the deer they shot ran out onto the ice of the St. Louis River making it unsafe to retrieve. Using a flat bottom boat and heavy duty PFDs, Officer Staples and another park staff member were able to make their way out to the deer and bring it back to shore so it did not go to waste. A snowmobile safety class was given a law talk in Carlton and a meeting with the county attorney’s office was attended about an upcoming court case.

CO Kipp Duncan (Duluth) observed several people on area lakes fishing during the week. Ice conditions have improved greatly in the area. Officer Duncan also checked some deer hunters. A youth snowmobile class was attended. Several calls were answered and returned. Office work and equipment maintenance was also completed.

District 9 - Brainerd area

CO Nikki Shoutz (Pine River) otter and bobcat season remain open until January 3. Many anglers were checked with fish houses and fishermen out in full force as the super cold weather let up on Saturday. Some ice was 10 12” thick and ATV’s were being used to get around on many lakes in the area. Spearers on the Whitefish Chain that were checked saw more whitefish than northern pike and smaller lakes in the area produced panfish.

CO Cary Shoutz (Crosslake) checked ice fishing activity on area lakes where numerous panfish and northern pike were seen. CO Shoutz also checked trappers and completed a deer investigation involving registration issues. CO Shoutz spoke at the Emily Snowmobile Safety Class and responded to several calls on deer that had fallen through the ice.

CO Karl Hadrits (Crosby) followed up on deer season cases, patrolled for muzzleloader deer hunting activity, and monitored ice conditions and early ice angling activity. Ice thicknesses over the past weekend ranged from four to eight inches.

CO Tim Collette (Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area) monitored the last of the muzzleloader season and checked ice fishermen. Many anglers came out to try the new ice and success was pretty good. One report of a person that had fallen through the ice turned out to be a deer instead. Violations included no license in possession, too many lines, and ATV trespass accessing an early ice fishing spot.

CO Bob Mlynar (Aitkin) fielded questions on the local radio station, assisted with fur registration and covered snowmobile regulations at a safety class in Crosby. He also checked spearers, trappers and muzzleloader hunters throughout the week.

District 10 - Mille Lacs area

CO Bret Grundmeier (Hinckley) saw a lot of ice anglers getting out on area lakes for the first time this season. Most lakes had around 6 inches of good quality ice by the end of the week. Crappies were being found and a few had luck catching pike with tip-up rigs. An early snowmobiler was stopped on the paved Munger Trail. There was less than one inch of snow and sparks were flying from the operator’s sled as it went across the pavement. Snowmobilers need to stay off trails until there is enough snow.
CO Scott Fitzgerald (Malmo) reports seeing a few fishermen venturing out on Mille Lacs and other area smaller lakes. A few fish are being caught. Muzzleloader hunters were also checked throughout the week with most reporting a slow season. He also helped at the fur registration day at the Aitkin Area DNR Wildlife Office. ATV and snowmobile activity was also monitored throughout the week. Small game hunters were also checked with a few birds seen taken.

CO Luke Croatt (Wealthwood) checked ice conditions and ice fishermen. A few walleye are being caught on Mille Lacs Lake. Most area lakes have 4 plus inches but it is advised to use caution while on the ice. The muzzleloader season wrapped up on the cold end. Marginal success was seen. Croatt also checked bobcat hunters. One party was lucky enough to harvest one after a long walk through the woods using dogs.

CO Mike Lee (Isle) reports with the cold weather the ice on Mille Lacs Lake is getting better, and anglers are taking advantage of the ice conditions. Ice conditions are getting better, but use caution. Officer Lee assisted Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s Department with a structure fire resulting in an investigation of an unregistered and possibly stolen ATV. Enforcement action this past week included Operate ATV on roadway.

CO Greg Verkuilen (Garrison) checked anglers and spearers as they used ATVs to get fish houses out on area lakes. However there is still plenty of open water and extreme caution is advised. Verkuilen helped capture a weak bald eagle and take it in to Garrison Animal Hospital. It was one of two brought in that day likely due to lead ingestion. He also assisted with tagging fur at a local trapper association meeting and followed up with a wetland violation investigation.

CO Dustie Heaton (Willow River) received a call of tree topping on private property. She also received information regarding abandoned dogs. Both calls were referred to the sheriff’s department. Ice anglers made their way on to area lakes and a handful of smaller permanent ice shelters were out as well.

District 11 - Albany area

CO Robert Haberman (Little Falls) checked ice fishermen on local lakes. Five plus inches of ice is reported on local lakes. CO Haberman followed up on trespassing complaints and continued to receive deer baiting complaints.

CO Paul Kuske (Pierz) reports ice conditions on station lakes to be very good. Anglers are finding 6 to 8 inches of ice in many areas. Fishing success has been slow. CO Kuske conducted equipment maintenance on the patrol vehicle and snowmobile. A wolf depredation complaint was investigated and a compensation claim was filed for a calf that was killed by wolves. CO Kuske heard from a deer hunter that during the past season he had seen a cougar three different times while in his stand.

CO Keith Bertram (Sauk Centre) spent the week checking fishermen and hunters. A TIP call was received. The investigation of the call yielded a subject that shot a doe without an antlerless permit in a lottery zone. The subject used a muzzleloader with a scope and trespassed to take the deer. Citations were issued and the deer and muzzleloader were seized.

CO Todd VanderWeyst (Paynesville) did administrative work last week. The officer also monitored fishing activity in the area with more anglers out with the colder weather. Muzzleloading and trapper activity was worked as well.

CO Chad Thesing (Albany) checked anglers and pheasant and deer hunters. The cold weather has produced good ice on most lakes. Ice depths in the area range from 5" to 8". A few of the deeper lakes just froze over and could have less than 2". Some anglers have found success with spearing northerns and catching crappies. Enforcement action for the week included no license in possession, no license on fish house and no blaze orange while pheasant hunting.

CO Mike Martin (St. Cloud) checked hunters and anglers in local counties. One group of muzzleloader hunters shot a doe in a lottery area (without an antlerless permit) then put a buck tag on it. The members of the group were cited for taking antlerless deer without a permit and hunting without blaze orange. Total fines and restitution could equal $1179. The deer was donated to a local family that needed it. Enforcement action was taken for hunting while intoxicated, transporting illegally taken big game animal, possess illegally taken big game, taking antlerless deer without a permit, and hunting without blaze orange.

CO Brian Mies (Annandale) checked anglers in Stearns and Wright counties. CO Mies investigated TIP calls last week. CO Mies checked deer hunters and pheasant hunters.

CO Rhonda Keniston (Long Prairie) checked hunters. The lakes finished freezing over and seem to be making ice quickly during these cold temperatures. Four to eight inches of ice are reported on area lakes; however, there can still be areas under four inches. People need to check the thickness often as they navigate. Officer Keniston attended a TEP meeting. A TIP call was investigated. Trespass complaints were handled.
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