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Author Topic: 1/4/10 Report (Dist. 6-11)  (Read 2204 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 6 - Two Harbors area
Last updated: 2010-01-04

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Tofte) worked a detail in the BWCAW with a Superior National Forest Officer over the lake trout opening weekend. Few were inspired to venture into the frigid winter air to test their luck on the frozen lakes. Snowmobile and ski trails saw an increase in activity after finally receiving some snow. Both types of trails are nicely groomed and people were taking full advantage of them. Officer Wahlstrom reminds skiers to purchase their trail passes.

CO Dan Thomasen (Two Harbors) checked local lakes for fishing activity and slush conditions. Some lakes were in better condition than others but the snow of Christmas week still made for some rough going. New Year’s was spent with a few other officers working the BWCA lake trout opener. Even though the morning temps were pushing -30 degrees, many fishermen were not deterred from trekking into remote lakes to try for lakers. Success rates for trout varied, but everyone agreed that it was cold. Enforcement action was taken for failing to display snowmobile registration and angling license not in possession.

CO Mary Manning (Hovland) patrolled lakes and checked anglers and ice houses. Cold temperatures, some slush pockets, and few anglers were found. CO Manning also patrolled snowmobile routes and trails as well as cross-country ski trails. The officer took a call from a resident reporting a young hawk staying around their yard; the young bird appeared to be looking for an easy meal and was not intimidated by the presence of people. Enforcement action was taken for no angling license in possession and failure to display snowmobile registration.

CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) took a snow shoe trip in the BWCA. The CO followed tracks for about four and half miles before hearing a rifle shot. The CO walked a bit further and saw a man fishing out on the ice. The man explained that he had not caught any fish for a couple of days and that he needed some meat. He proudly held up a red squirrel that he was going to eat for dinner. The CO explained that he was going to have to cut the conversation short because the CO wouldn’t make it out of the BWCAW before darkness set in and that it was bitterly cold. The man then told the CO that he had an extra sleeping bag and that the CO was welcomed to spend the night in his tent. The CO looked at the red squirrel and decided that there wasn’t enough for the both of them and decided to take his chances with the slush and darkness.

Babbitt - vacant.

Silver Bay - vacant.

District 7 - Grand Rapids area
Last updated: 2010-01-04

CO Jon Paurus (Hill City) worked fishing, snowmobile and trapping activity. Spearfishermen seemed to be having the most success. Snowmobile trails are in need of some more snow. Trapping and deer season cases were followed up on and completed.

CO Randy Patten (Northome) checked anglers, snowmobilers, and hunters. Investigated a TIP complaint and performed equipment maintenance. Enforcement action taken for angling without a license in possession.

CO Gary Lefebvre (Pengilly) worked state trails, snowmobiles, trappers and fishermen. He also taught a snowmobile safety class during the week.

CO Saran Sindelir (Grand Rapids) checked area lakes for angling and spearing activity. Bitter cold temperatures reduced activity. She patrolled area snowmobile trails and assisted the Itasca County Sheriff’s Dept. with a snowmobile fatality near Marcell. CO Sindelir also investigated a complaint where two dogs were caught in traps.

Bigfork - vacant.

District 8 - Cloquet area
Last updated: 2010-01-04

CO Randy Hanzal (Duluth) reports despite the recent cold weather anglers are still struggling with slush on local lakes which is making travel very difficult. Many wildlife calls are being received from people who are concerned about injured deer and dogs chasing deer. No current registration, fail to display and expired trail stickers are the most common violations encountered. Area snowmobile trails are in good condition.

CO Kipp Duncan (Duluth) worked snowmobile and fishing enforcement around the Duluth area. The recent heavy snow has caused access problems for fishermen. Snowmobile traffic has been heavy. Officer Duncan assisted in a BWCA winter trout fishing enforcement detail along the Gunflint Trail.

CO Andy Schmidt (Brookston) reports spending much of the past week checking snowmobiles and ice fishermen. Most trails are groomed with plenty of snow. Schmidt also spent time working with area trappers on incidental catches and registrations.

District 9 - Brainerd area
Last updated: 2010-01-04

CO Nikki Shoutz (Pine River) gave a radio talk on KLKS radio regarding snowmobile safety and ice conditions in the area. Cold conditions as another archery season concluded for the year on Dec. 31. Officer Shoutz assisted with coordinating the recovery of a snowmobile that ended up in Cross Lake when two Eden Prairie teenagers who were snowmobiling got too close to the open water and one dropped in. Fortunately, he was able to get out as his snowmobile sunk.

CO Cary Shoutz (Crosslake) checked snowmobiling and ice fishing activity on area lakes. Enforcement action was taken on angling and spearing without a license in possession and registration and juvenile operation violations on snowmobile operators. Shoutz assisted with a snowmobile accident where the operator drove over the Cross/Rush Lake channel into open water. The operator was able to get himself out without injury. He was operating without the required DNR Snowmobile Safety Certificate.

CO Jim Guida (Brainerd) checked snowmobile traffic with trails around the St. Mathias and Fort Ripley area in good shape. Numerous sleds were observed on the Paul Bunyan Trail with most having registration and the required trail permit. Fishing activity has increased with the thickening of the ice and some are finding crappies and sunfish. Angling and extra line violations were detected.

CO Karl Hadrits (Crosby) received complaints including damage to ski trails from snowmobiles and walkers, snowmobile trespass, snowmobiles speeding and operating recklessly in residential areas. A meeting with stakeholders regarding ski trail enforcement and signage issues was attended, and patrol was concentrated on snowmobile and ski trail complaints. Enforcement contacts were made for no ski passes, snowmobilers trespassing on private property, and snowmobile trail permit, registration, and title transfer violations.

CO Tim Collette (Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area) checked snowmobilers and anglers. The slush is freezing up with the colder temperatures and both ice fishermen and snowmobilers are getting around easier. Enforcement activity included several incidences of anglers using extra lines, many un-marked fish houses, possession of marijuana, and snowmobile registration issues.

CO Bob Mlynar (Aitkin) worked snowmobilers and fishermen during the week. He also responded to complaints of snowmobiler trespass.

CO Brent Speldrich (McGregor) reported good snowmobile trail conditions in the McGregor area. He worked local trails and had contacts for illegal operation in closed area (WMA), failing to display current registration, ATV on snowmobile trail, speed and careless operation of a snowmobile. He also checked anglers who were reporting thick slush and flooding shelters and few fish.

CO Chad Sherack (Pequot Lakes) checked ice anglers, snowmobilers, and followed up on wolf depredation complaints west of Pequot Lakes. Officer Sherack found evidence of wolf activity in the area. Officer Sherack issued many summons for using extra lines and found one angler with five extra lines.

CO Randy Posner (Brainerd) reports that the angler activity has picked up. The ice conditions are fair and getting better with each cold day. The anglers that have been out and report fair success. Posner received a complaint of individuals running snowmobiles across private property and farm fields. The trail conditions are good and the groomers are out and working hard. He also received complaints of predator hunters trespassing on private property.

District 10 - Mille Lacs area
Last updated: 2010-01-04

CO Luke Croatt (Wealthwood) spent the past week and weekend checking anglers on area lakes. Seems the fish bite has cooled off with the weather. Some pockets of activity were found on Mille Lacs Lake. Parties checked that had success asked that “I keep it quiet about the spots.” Snowmobilers were out riding even in the sub zero weather. Trails are in fair conditions. Some snow would really help. Even with conditions as they were, some riders still hit speeds in excess of 80 mph.

CO Mike Lee (Isle) attended the MN Trappers Association meeting held in Isle this past week and assisted DNR Wildlife with tagging otter and bobcat furs. Good numbers of bobcat furs were tagged. Officer Lee also worked snowmobile enforcement along local trails with enforcement action being taken for registration violations, speed, and safety certifications. Officer Lee also checked anglers, who were reporting a slow bite for walleye, but the small perch can’t be kept off the line and a few nice jumbos were taken. While checking one angler this past week Officer Lee encountered a violation for extra lines. While speaking to the individual, Officer Lee learned from him that he always fishes with more than two lines, and felt that he should be able to fish with 20 lines, because he never keeps too many fish, or fish that are in the protected slot. At that point Officer Lee asked him if he had any fish in his possession. The individual stated “No, it’s been slow.” As Officer Lee returned to his snowmobile to complete the citation he observed a northern pike stuck in the snow piled up against the fish house on the back side of it. Upon measuring the northern pike, Officer Lee observed that the northern pike measured 25 ¼ inches long, well within the protected slot limit of 24-36 inches on Mille Lacs Lake. Officer Lee returned to the shelter and asked the individual again why he should be able to use more than two lines, and he stated, “I’m not the guys keeping extra fish or ones that are protected. You should really be dealing with those guys.” When Officer Lee asked him about the northern pike that was located outside in the snow, the individual turned and threw the extra line that he had just pulled up across the fish house, and yelled “It’s been slow, just give me the tickets.” The northern pike was seized and the individual was issued citations for angling with extra lines and illegal length northern pike.

CO Dan Perron (Onamia) checked anglers on Mille Lacs throughout the week. The bite slowed down with the cold weather. He also checked snowmobilers out on the trails. The cold weather also kept the numbers low. CO Perron was called about one resort plowing snow around houses from another resort.

CO Greg Verkuilen (Garrison) met a lot of anglers chipping out their fish houses due to the slush and hard freeze. Good fishing success is making it worth it most of the time. Several limits were observed coming off the flats. Lots of snowmobile riders were out this week going through the annual snowmobile season learning curve regarding registration, stop signs, and operating against traffic at night.

CO Bret Grundmeier (Hinckley) saw a large decrease in angling and snowmobiling activity during the below zero temperatures. Some folks are driving pickups on area lakes but with the heavy snow there are areas of slush where they’re getting stuck and the heavy snow has also created questionable ice conditions in some areas. Snowmobile trails have a good, solid base and trails have been groomed and are in good condition.

CO Dustie Heaton (Willow River) checked snowmobilers over the week. Enforcement action was taken for expired registration, fail to display registration and speed. Heaton checked anglers on area lakes who reported a slow bite. Heaton responded to a trap tending complaint. The caller felt the traps were not being tended once every 24 hours as required by law. The claims are being investigated. She also answered calls regarding trespass and bow fishing.

CO Scott Fitzgerald (Malmo) reports lots of fishing and snowmobiling activity in the Malmo Station. Area trails are in good shape and lots of snowmobilers came out to enjoy them even with the cold weather. The fishing on Mille Lacs is still spotty with a few walleyes seen taken. The Malmo Officer patrolled area trails and found a fair number of violations. In one case a dad and his 13-year-old son were riding and the officer observed the dad encouraging the son to race him in a straight stretch of the trail. Unfortunately for them, Officers were there running radar. Enforcement action was taken. Please remember the speed limit is 50 and check your sled before going out to make sure you have current registration and a state trail sticker. Questions regarding fishing regs and snowmobile laws were answered throughout the week. Enforcement action for the week included snowmobile speed, no state trail sticker, fail to display current snowmobile registration, angle with extra lines, no fishing license in possession, operate unregistered snowmobile.

District 11 - Albany area
Last updated: 2010-01-04

CO Robert Haberman (Little Falls) reports frigid weather kept most people indoors, but some made it out onto the ice. Several fishing violations were addressed, with the majority being license issues. Ice conditions have improved with the arctic temperatures. CO Haberman patrolled snowmobile trails and came across several violations. CO Haberman would like to remind people to check over their snowmobile licenses before they go riding that day.

CO Paul Kuske (Pierz) reports seeing low activity on area snowmobile trails, despite good trail conditions. Enforcement action was taken for expired registration, operating against road traffic at night, and trespass. Area lakes continue to have slush and water in many places making it tough for fishermen to get around. Fishing success has been fair with no significant violations detected this past week.

CO Keith Bertram (Sauk Centre) spent the week checking fishermen and snowmobilers. Activity was limited due to cold weather and slush on the lakes. CO Bertram assisted with a snowmobile safety class in Melrose.

CO Todd VanderWeyst (Paynesville) worked fishing. Pheasant and predator hunters were checked. Enforcement action was taken for no fishing license, trespass within 500 feet of occupied dwelling, and drug violations. The officer also fielded calls concerning injured wildlife.

CO Chad Thesing (Albany) checked anglers, pheasant hunters, and snowmobile activity. Snowmobile trespass issues were handled. People are reminded to stay on the trail. Angling success in the area has been slow, but the top layer of slush is beginning to freeze, making it easier to get around. Enforcement action for the week included no license in possession, trespass, no trail sticker, no ATV safety certificate, and no helmet on person under 18 on ATV.

CO Brian Mies (Annandale) checked anglers in Stearns and Wright counties. CO Mies checked sleds and ATVs. CO Mies investigated litter and trespass complaints.

CO Rhonda Keniston (Long Prairie) finished investigations on some open cases. Frigid temperatures kept recreational activity minimal. A positive outcome to frigid temperatures is much of the slush has frozen on area lakes. A few walleyes and northern were cooperative through the week and weekend. Sunfish sniffed and swam away from many lures.
« Last Edit: January 01/04/10, 10:46:06 PM by Jeff »
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