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Author Topic: Local pheasant numbers  (Read 1826 times)

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Offline GRIZ

  • Master Outdoorsman
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Just wondering what pheasant numbers are like in other areas. Around here they are great. I don't get out much til I get laid off but my step dad has come up with every excuse in the book for not getting his limit. Like today went out for only half an hr kicked up three roosters the first one he got. Then claimed he got slapped in the eye with some brush, was kinda blurry he said so couldn't get a decent bead on the others. Ya know what I told him, be honest ya just can't hit a bull in the a$$ with a scoop shovel in ya were sittin on his back.

Seriously I see no reason why a group of half a dozen hunters with a good dog wouldn't limit out.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline get the net

  • Outdoorsman
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  • Melrose, MN
Numbers are better in some areas than others, I see the filling out scenario you describe as happening more so after the majority of the corn is out.? We watched one field tonight that was being combined next to a WPA.? It looked to be about a 80 to 100 acre field.? There were two guys hunting the WPA and we watched from the road.? They had about two rounds left when started to to watch, they were even combining so the last rows to be picked were just west of the WPA and? the birds would be pushed into the WPA.? We must have seen 20 birds come out the end and the 2nd to last pass with at least 8 being roosters, instead of going to the WPA they all flew further west to private property (posted unfortunatley).? I would think if a guy could get to that WPA first thing tomorrow morning, you would probably have a quick limit.? The two guys hunting it, I don't think could see all those birds go out the end as they were pretty deep in the cats and willows.? We did see them pass shoot at one that did fly down into the WPA, think they bagged it, but that was all the shooting we heard before we left.? We saw a total of 17 roosters from about 2:00 pm till 6:00.? Majority being on private property aorund big corn fields.? One WMA we walked could not keep up to the running rooster through the CRP, and he flushed out of range.? They are getting smarter every time out now.? Buddy's dog did catch one cripple on a WMA, pretty big hole just under the wing, don't know if it was ripe or not when he cleaned it.? Scouted out some new WMA and WPA's this afternoon, encouraged at what we saw for later in the season.?

Offline GRIZ

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 1793
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Best way I like is hunting cattails after it freezes. Well I try and let the dog do the cattails as I skirt the edges. ;D
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson