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Author Topic: Minnesota site in laws: did they do away with the law that you can't shoot guns  (Read 2870 times)

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Offline backwoods

  • Outdoorsman
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14 days before deer season in Minnesota anywhere but on a firing range, or is that still a (stupidest damned law on earth) law?

If it is, when does Minn rifle deer season open for Crow Wing County, MN?  (I have property and I want to shoot my guns)

Offline beeker

  • Master Outdoorsman
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i can look it up.. but I think it is now the day before... or is that wisconsin? I'll check once these kids stop ringing the door bell.
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline deadeye

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Here's from the Hunting Regulations.
"Possession of Firearms Before, During, and After the Firearms
Deer Season
(Note: This section does not apply to the Muzzleloader Season, see
page 90, except that muzzleloaders legal for deer may be possessed only by
persons with a muzzleloader or firearms deer license during that season.)
No person may possess a firearm or ammunition outdoors during
the period beginning the fifth day before the open firearms season and
the second day after the close of the season within an area where
deer may be legally taken by firearms including the early antlerless deer
season (see page 25), except:
• A person who has a valid firearms big game license in possession
may hunt big game during the open season with a firearm and
for big game.
• Possession is also legal under these conditions:
a) An unloaded firearm that is cased or in a closed trunk of a
motor vehicle.
b) A shotgun and shells containing No. 4 buckshot or smaller
lead shot or nontoxic shot.
c) A .22 caliber rimfire handgun or rifle with .22 caliber short,
long, or long rifle cartridges,
.22 magnum or .17 caliber.
d) Handguns possessed by a person with a carry permit.
e) On an authorized target range"
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline backwoods

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Thanks much.  I punched the question into google and couldnt find an answer, much appreciated!  Dont want to get a ticket for sighting in my own gun on my own land.  :)

Offline proangler16

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Thanks much.  I punched the question into google and couldnt find an answer, much appreciated!  Dont want to get a ticket for sighting in my own gun on my own land.  :)

It's good to fing things out, I find it ironic on how many people don't know about this law?  Next time a person us up at deer camp sit outside for the last hour of sunlight and count how many shots you hear and how many deer get sniped on the eve before opener???
"Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend." ~Zenna Schaffer