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Author Topic: area reports  (Read 1895 times)

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Offline JohnWester

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 2294
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  • Kabetogama, MN
DULUTH - Fisherman's Corner, Scott, 7 miles north of Miller Mall on Hwy 53, (218-729-5369)
   Boulder lake had a bout 3 inches of ice and some guys where out catching some walleyes in about 8-9 feet of water.  Loopers and cohos are going on Lake Superior from shore at the river mouths right now.  French and Sucker rivers and Stony Point seem to be some of the hotter spots.

DULUTH - Marine General, 1501 London Road, on the edge of Lake Superior, (218-724-8833)
   Inland lakes have anywhere from 3-4 inches of ice.  North of Duluth there may be more.  The St. Louis River edges are iced enough to where you can’t get a boat in and you can’t stand on it.  Loopers, steelhead and lakers are biting on the big lake.  Keep in mind Lake trout season doesn’t open until the 1st of December.
If a gun kills people then I can blame a pen for my misspells?

IBOT# 286 big_fish_guy