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Author Topic: Fishing Report Lakes Oahe/Sharpe Pierre area for Sept 3rd thru the 5th 2014  (Read 1834 times)

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Offline Hutch

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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    • Fishing & Hunting South Dakota's Lake Oahe and Lake Sharpe
The fall bite on Oahe is outstanding with most boats that are fishing the right area's coming in with limits of real nice healthy walleye and some smallmouth bass. Also I have been hearing reports of some Salmon being caught on the big lake. Sharpe is still going at West Bend but the 15 inch size limit is making for fewer limits coming in. As always in the fall the weather will start to come into play as it did with the Wheat Growers annual trip. They caught a day of 40 mph wind and that made fishing real tough for them. I guided the last two days for the Outpost Lodge fishing 3 guys from Ord NE and they hit they weather just right along with the fishing. We fished on Oahe both days catching their possession limit of 17 inch avg size walleye with a few over twenty inchers included in the catch. Check the pictures of these fish out to get an idea of how much the lake fish have improved over the summer on We used bottom bouncer/ minnow or crawler rigs fishing in around 25 to 30 fow. Plug pulling and chubs are also working in some area's. A great trio of guys and we had one of those great trips you can have in the fall with 70 degree weather not much wind and lots of fish. All of the fish we caught were healthy fat walleye so that is encouraging indicating lot of bait for them to eat. I am also marking big schools of bait fish in Oahe mostly from around Pike Haven north to the 212 bridge so the fall and next years bite should be much better for a bigger size fish. If the river clears up on Sharpe around Pierre look for the fall migration of walleye to improve catch's there also but it has been tough fishing in the muddy water making Oahe the best choice. Getting good info were to fish on Oahe is very important as you can miss the bite if you center your fishing in the wrong spots. Get were the bait fish are and the stained water is. Primarily from the Little Bend, Cheyenne, Bushs Landing, areas north to the 212 bridge.

Hutch's Guide Service

Good fishing Hutch