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Author Topic: The proper way to remove a tick video  (Read 2757 times)

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Offline HD

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Soon this will be happening, ticks will be out....

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline snow1

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I hate ticks! Got the itchies just watching that dang video...Thanx HD...NOT!

Offline Boar

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im a lymes carrier, dont wish that on anybody. my chiropractor actualy found the bite mark.  worst hell ive ever exerienced, was a flare up 2 years afterwards. crazy stuff

Offline Easy

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I got bitten by a Lyme infected tick and got very, very sick.  I still have muscle pain now and then from it and that was more than ten years ago.

I studied up about everything there is to know about tick bites.

Get the tick off you as fast as possible.

The proper way to remove a tick is to just grab it by it's "head" (they don't have heads) and pull it out.  If the fangs stay in your skin, you can use a credit card to brush them off.  Do not dig at them to remove them.  They will fall out by themselves.       

If you keep the tick and take it to the doctor to find out if it was Lyme infected, they can't tell you.  They can only tell you how long the tick was on you.  There is nothing you can do except to watch out for the tell-tale bullseye that MIGHT form at the bite sight. A bullseye doesn't always form at the bite area.  If you see a bullseye or if you get flu like symptoms (symptoms vary) get thee to a doctor.  They will run you on a one week course of medication.  You will still have Lyme disease though.

There is nothing you can do except get the tick off you as fast as possible.   

Offline Boar

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yup basically if you believe youve been infected, they just treat it. it takes awhile to get the blood sample back so they just put you on the meds right away.

Offline snow1

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Very good insight guyz,I'll add these darn blood sucker carry (4) more types of bacteria that they can trasmitt in a matter of hours once they attach,lyme being the worst,lyme infected ticks once attached can transmitt the bacteria but keep in mind it takes 36 to 48hrs to transmitt unless the host aggravates the little devil trying to remove it using old wives tales on tick removeal like dobbing rubbing alcohal on it,a drop of oil with the beleif it will suffacate the critter(but will piss it off) and lastly a match.

Some of these little bastards will burrow in as they suck blood,they secrete a solution once the skin is broke that opens up the blood corpulses that makes you bleed,pull a burrowed deer tick out and you'll bleed like crazy,peroxcide is the cure.

This info comes from a good customer of mine that is a entomoligist@ the UofM.