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Author Topic: My First day of the season.  (Read 6135 times)

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Offline guythathunts

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  • The brothers with my 2006 buck.
Myself and a buddie went out at 12am. We fished our first spot from shore north of St. Cloud on the Mississippi backwaters. We were joined by a group of loud obnoxious guys who were more concerned with getting wasted and yelling than they were with catching fish. My buddy and I said "@&%^& this lets go somewhere else". It was about 2 am and we hadn't had even a nibble. We headed south to the Sartell area. We joined 4 other guys that had not caught a thing, but we figured we would give it a shot. About 3:30 am the other guys left and we had the spot to ourselves. At 3:45 I landed the first eye of the season (18 inches). 20 min pasted without a bite but we hung in there. The next hour was awesome. I landed 4 rock bass 3 large mouth bass 8 small mouth bass one 32inch Northern and 3 more eyes. My buddy landed 5 smallies 1 rock bass 1 largemouth and 2 eyes. We left for home at 6:30 with six eyes for the pan and had a great opener! Going to get out again soon for another night. Hope it will be as productive as it was Saturday!
~ Greg
Find a bird Duke... find a bird... ROOSTER!!! BANG! Bring it here boy. GOOD BOY DUKE, GOOD BOY!!!

Offline rchaze60

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sounds like you had a great opener except for the @#$-holes thanks for sharing  ::fishing:: ::fishing:: ::fishing:: ::fishing::