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Author Topic: SX2 & sabot slugs + Sx2-Sx3 barrels compatibility  (Read 1941 times)

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Offline h2ofwlr

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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So does anyone know if the 2.75" 1 oz sabot slugs will cycle? How about the 300 grain?

I just obtained a cantilevered rifled barrel for the SX2, never thought about if it will cycle the sabots Being they say 1 1/8 oz loads are needed for the Sx2 to cycle, kind of looking to see what others experiences are.

Does any one know if the SX2 barrels are interchangable with the SX3 receiver? Meaning the barrels are interchangable with each other?
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks I am.