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Author Topic: How is your summer going?  (Read 2548 times)

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Offline Mayfly

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So how is everyones summer going? Are you fishing as much as you wanted to or are you just to busy. I have had a pretty good year. I have gotten out much more than I thought I would of. My highlight of the summer up until now was my trip to LOW. I have a couple more big trips planned that I am excited about. I will surely share reports and pics here.

Anyone else?

Offline MT Net

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Haven't been out as much this season.  Too much work this year once again.  Mybe this winter I'll get out more.  Hey!  The days are getting shorter...  :P 

Offline Mayfly

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Suprisingly I have done a lot more fishing this summer than I thought I would of and the fishing has been good. I'm now starting to think about fall and the pheasants that I will encounter. Hopefully should be a good year for that as well.

Offline JD

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I have done a lot of fishing this year so far.  I'm kinda feeling guilty about not spending enough time with the family, I guess that's why I'm not going this weekend, but I'll be back at it on my next days off!  But, I make sure to get the kids out to get their share of fishing in too.

Offline GRIZ

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Heck by the time I get done with work for the week I come home for the w/e and don't even have time to open my bills. :o
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~Thomas Jefferson