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Author Topic: Lifetime lic  (Read 3846 times)

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Offline GRIZ

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How many have them?

What are your reasons for getting one?

Some say it's too expensive but I don't agree. I myself just sent off the application. If you don't plan on going out for the next 15 yrs it will be cheaper to buy as you need.  Lic prices will not go down. Price is one of the reasons you should buy one.

If you plan on moving out of state get one at the resident rate before you move it's good for your lifetime even if you move out of state.

If you happen to be in a divided family. Example your kids live with the ex in another state. Your kids are still eligable for a resident lic if you are a resident and they are under 18. So get them one and even if they never move to MN still can come hunt and fish for the rest if thier lives.

If you trap you should have one as that is thrown in with the sportman lic.

That's four reasons does anyone else have more?
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Offline JohnWester

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I've had one for about 5 years now.  I think it's a wise decision. You know they will increase the fees.
If a gun kills people then I can blame a pen for my misspells?

IBOT# 286 big_fish_guy

Offline deadeye

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I bought an individual lifetime sportsmans license the day I turned 51. (two reasons. It just became avaible and there is a price drop for over 50.)  I also bought the lifetime rifle deer license.  You can calculate the "break even" for each license.  Just put in the license cost plus interest into an accout and extend it out to where the balance equals the cost.  This usually works out (depending on your age) any where from 12 to 18 years.  I also purchase lifetime sportsmans license for my grandchildren before they are 3 years old. (price break for under 3).
I've only had one issue with the license.  Last year I wanted to upgrade from a rifle (lifetime) to an all season license.  Not an issue if you just had a regular gun license. However, it took several trips and a few calls to the DNR to get it completed.  (seems they didn't take this scenero in account.)  Anyway that's not a problem this year because you can buy the archery and muzzle loader individually.   
Griz liste 4 good reasons I have one more.  They make great gifts for young potential hunters.   
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Bobby Bass

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I bought my daughter one for her highschool graduation present, better then some junk that will be forgotten in a few years. This way she can think of dear old dad every Spring!..
Bobby Bass

Bud and now Barney working the trail again in front of me.

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Offline thunderpout

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I like the buying em for the kid Idea.... great graduation/birthday/christmas gift! 

Offline UncleDave

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I haven't yet.  I always forget and the dude at the bait store/lure shop never offer it.  At my advanced age, I forget these things.  Thanks for the post until I forget next year.  Dang!

Offline Bobby Bass

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I haven't yet.  I always forget and the dude at the bait store/lure shop never offer it.  At my advanced age, I forget these things.  Thanks for the post until I forget next year.  Dang!

 I don't think you can buy them from a bait shop.  I know I had to go online and download the form and deal with the home office. They send you a plastic card and a certificate along with a medallion  You can renew your license just by producing your dl as they can cross reference state records. That they can do at the bait shop
Bobby Bass

Bud and now Barney working the trail again in front of me.

It is not how many years you live, it is how you lived your years!

Offline JohnWester

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bobby is right, you have to fill out a form or go into the DNR office on Lafayette in St. Paul.  Then you get a little credit card type card, and a little medallion.  then all you havce to do is show your card to renew the license.  But remember, the card itself is not valid, you must still get a new license every year.
If a gun kills people then I can blame a pen for my misspells?

IBOT# 286 big_fish_guy

Offline repoman

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yeah im thinking of doing it ? why not especially when they can aise the fees later . :happy1:

Offline Outdoors Junkie

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I bought one two years ago before I moved to SD.  I still hunt with my family every Nov. in MN.  It is saving me a ton of $, not having to buy an out of state tag each year.
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Offline Outdoors Junkie

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Anyone else have one?
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Offline Dan R.

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I bought mine when i turned 51, big drop in the price.
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Offline antlermass

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I don't have mine, but I plan on getting them in the next couple years.

Offline deadeye

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I just turned 51 when the all the lifetime license became available.  I bought a lifetime sportsmans license and a lifetime deer rifle license at that time.  Hard to believe this will be the eighth year I will have used it. 
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline finch

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so let me get this straight...

I am a SD resident, but DNR sees me as a legal MN resident as I'm under 21 and my dad lives in MN.  I can buy a lifetime license now, and it will be good?
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Offline tmjhamann

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you have to be under 18 as i recall
Troy Hamann

Offline dag1980

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I told my brother to buy one before he moved to the land of the giants (iowa) but he didn't listen. I want to get one for myself. Once you have a lifetime license, now with the rule change do you have to pay anything for hunting archery, and  then gun? :scratch:
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Offline deadeye

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Yes, I believe you do.  You can buy either a rifle and/or bow lifetime license.   

finch, if you are under 21 you can buy one.
Residency requirements
A resident lifetime angling license, a lifetime small game hunting license, a lifetime firearms deer license, or a lifetime sporting license may be issued to a person who is a resident of the state for at least one year or who is under age 21 and the child of a person who is a resident of the state for at least one year prior to this application.

***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline GRIZ

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so let me get this straight...

I am a SD resident, but DNR sees me as a legal MN resident as I'm under 21 and my dad lives in MN.  I can buy a lifetime license now, and it will be good?

I'm not sure on the age. I guess I thought it was age 18 unless you are attending school.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson