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Author Topic: Elk Management Meetintg  (Read 2046 times)

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Minnesota’s elk management plan will be the focus of two upcoming Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) public meetings.

The plan will address population levels, crop depredation and hunting season management of wild elk in northwestern Minnesota.

Meetings are scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, at the Greenbush-Middle River School gymnasium, 401 Park Ave. in Greenbush, and
7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, at DNR headquarters, 500 Lafayette Road, St.

Elk are native to Minnesota but likely were nearly extinct from the state in the early 20th century.

In 1935, the transport of rocky mountain elk, combined with natural immigration from Manitoba and possibly North Dakota, have resulted in small elk populations in Kittson and Marshall counties.

DNR wildlife staff will present parts of the draft plan, facilitate discussion of issues and answer questions. Comments received will help complete the draft plan, which will be available for formal comment before it is finalized.

Copies of the draft plan and comment forms are available online. Copies also are available at:

DNR headquarters in St. Paul
DNR regional wildlife office, 2115 Birchmont Beach Road N., Bemidji, 218-308-2700 Thief Lake WMA, 42280 240th Ave NE, Middle River, 218-222-3747 Karlstad Area Wildlife Office, 202 Main St. N, Karlstad, 218-436-2427.
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