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Author Topic: 2009 Cook County Fishing Closures  (Read 1869 times)

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To protect concentrations of spawning walleye, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will close several spawning areas in Cook County at the beginning of the 2009 fishing season. Closures on Minnesota-Ontario waters are made in cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and affect both sides of the border. 

The DNR is closing these areas because heavy snow cover, cold temperatures, and the early fishing season opener will likely mean late ice-out on area waters. These factors make it more likely that walleye will still be concentrated and vulnerable when the season opens.

The following closures went into effect April 1:

Sea Gull River from Sea Gull Lake through Gull Lake to Saganaga Lake approximately 1/3 mile north of the narrows will be closed through May 22. (Anglers should be aware that Sea Gull Lake is not included in these closures. Language in the 2009 regulations booklet stating that Sea Gull Lake would be closed was an error).
Saganaga Falls on the Minnesota Ontario border where the Granite River enters Saganaga Lake will be closed through May 31.
Maligne River (also known as Northern Light Rapids) on the Ontario side of Saganaga Lake will be closed through May 31.
Channel between Little Gunflint and Little North Lakes on the Minnesota Ontario border will be closed through May 31.
Cross River (inlet to Gunflint Lake) from the Gunflint Trail to Gunflint Lake will be closed through May 22.
The following areas will be closed to fishing from May 9 through May 22:

Tait River from White Pine Lake to the Forest Road 339 crossing, including a portion of White Pine Lake.
Junco Creek from the first log dam above County Road 57 downstream to Devil Track Lake, and including a portion of Devil Track Lake near the river mouth.
These closures apply to fishing only; travel is permitted through these areas. All closed areas will be posted. Questions can be directed to the DNR office in Grand Marais at 218-387-3056.

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