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Author Topic: Rockman's Report/Their back and hungry  (Read 2070 times)

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Offline rockman

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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Is it ever going to warm up? I hate working in these below zero temps, not to mention that it is hard on equipment and steel. Jonathan and I worked on plowing everything open all week and we are ready to go for the season, on all of the fishing spots that I fish. I have roads to the second reef, the second hump, the perch water out in 31 ft and to the deeper water, off of the sunken island and the bite has picked up out there too. There is a lot of nasty ice out there when you start to plow the snow off. It is not any fun to plow, as a matter of fact; I think I need a back transplant, it is so ruff! We do have a couple of foam houses available for this weekend and they are very nice and warm. The foam houses have very little trouble keeping the holes open in this cold. I did get out 3 times this week, and I caught fish out on every spot I plowed to this week. I am not even going to try to tell you the numbers of fish that we caught, you wouldn’t believe me anyway, but lets just use the # 20 per outing just to be safe and 4 keepers each nigh. That is no B.S. guys; the bite is pretty good right now, just like it was before we got this cold. The hottest bite right now, seems to be the deep water off of the second reef and #2 hump out in front. I got my limit in 45 minutes, just before dark. There are more 12 and 13 inch fish out there, than we have seen for about 5 years and you will also catch the 15 and 17 inch fish feeding with them. Both on set lines and pimples. I have not caught anything myself over 24 inches this season, but that will change as soon as I get the city  established and all of the roads opened up for the season. It usually takes us about 2 weeks to get everything done. But when I do, I will be spending more time on the ice fishing than working. I did not have time during the week to fish during the day so I do not have a day bite update. With the cold temps this week there where not too many people venturing out into the cold so al that I have for you is the fishing reports from Jordan and me! Jordy caught so many fish yesterday, that he could not even sleep in the shallow water all night, waiting to get back out and check some more spots. Now he fished 3 different spots today and caught fish on most of the spots he went to. I will be moving the houses out to the new spots off of the second reef and the hump next week, so I can get my people into some fish, it has been slow fishing out on the break in front, so it is time to move to where the fish are biting. That is it for now, I know it is cold, but the bite it starting to pick up pretty good once again, and we have done a lot of work to get it ready to fish for you, so get on up here man!

Be safe

We will see ya

When we see ya

Better too high than too low
Better too fast than too slow
The Rockman

Offline Jdrummer

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I strongly urge people to go to Mille lacs or surrounding lakes before you hear all the reports of good fishing, I hear it all too often "oh man Mille Lacs stunk this weekend ,its a dead sea!" They hear the report then go up the next week but by then a cold front has shut em down for a day or so again. All i'm trying to say is make your own trips when the weather is looking decent for fishing and u will have a great time . By the way Rockmans wife is a mean cook! :happy1: :fishing2:
Pratice doesn't make perfect, Perfect pratice makes perfect!