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Author Topic: 2010 Season in Review  (Read 1508 times)

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Offline Go Big Red!

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 1761
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Since the waterfowl season has now past, time to reflect on the past early morning and start getting that itch back for next fall... unless you're going to chase Snows this spring.

Our crew did well this year.  Not the numbers we were hoping for yet still a great time to be out with friends.  Was able to get out a few times locally and dropped a few; definitely down from last year but a bad day hunting is better than a good day at anything else.

Next year, looking forward to getting back out with FireRanger and getting my son, turning 6 this spring, out in the blind. :happy1:
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.