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Author Topic: Leech today 10/15/10  (Read 1667 times)

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Offline fishnutbob

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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  • Leech lake guide, Walker, Mn.
Just got off Leech fished a number of my spots moved a dozen times caught fish from 11ft to 6ft green northland fireball 1/4oz and a rainbow biggest 20" fish missed some as always fished the area around Goose island with the wind pounding on a point.

I would think trolling at night should be getting good soon water temp today was 52 degrees warmest was 58. I had frost on my boat when I left this morning. I dont fish after dark I try to get my fish during the day but the night bite can be great you should do real well.

Pics of a few fish today with Tim we did get two northerns fished the perch in the narrows a little nothing big but they have been going good. Released the pike.


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Bob Auel
Leech lake Guide with Guide Boat 2007 19' 3" warrior

Offline Dan R.

  • Master Outdoorsman
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Sounds like you had a good day Bob.
Thank's for the report  :happy1:
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