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Author Topic: OPENING WEEKEND SUCCESS/NON-SUCCESS  (Read 1795 times)

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Offline steiny

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How did everyone do?
I wasn't able to hunt deer opener as I was hunting bear 2 hours away.
I sent my wife out Saturday night and she had both success and no success.
This is her second season hunting.  She only made it out maybe 5 times last year and had no shot offers.
Saturday she saw 5 doe.  One finally came in, she drew back and hit her release before at full draw.  Deer never move.  She re-nocked, drew back and missed (see picture of her arrow).  Doe ran across the food plot only to come back one more time.  She drew back and yup, missed again!
She learned a lot - it's a lot easier shooting at a target than a live animal.  Nerves got to her.  But I think she's got it out of her system now.  At least I hope she does.
She named this doe "Stupid"  LOL!

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Offline deadeye

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I know how that goes.  Three years ago I did the same thing on my first bow hunt.  First arrow stuck in the ground in front of the deer. (I forgot to look through the peep sight).  It ran off but returned 5 minutes later and this time I got it.   :archery:
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline BiggA

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Sounds like she had an excitnig hunt! Nerves get the best of everyone at some point or another in life. Good luck to her next time!