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DNR offers a variety of books for holiday gifts
(Released December 13, 2010)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has a variety of books available this holiday season. Outdoor topics range from bird feeding to landscaping, nature appreciation to woodworking.

Order books:
The works of Carrol Henderson, DNR Nongame Wildlife Program supervisor, are top sellers among books of its kind in Minnesota.

Henderson’s “Wild about Birds: The DNR Bird Feeding Guide” includes tips on 44 types of food and offers woodshop basics for construction of 26 different feeders, that will help increase the number and species of birds using their feeders.

“Woodworking for Wildlife,” which has just been revised, has more than 300 color photographs and 30 designs for wildlife nest boxes. The book, authored by Henderson, includes diagrams for building bird houses, next boxes and platforms to attract wildlife. It provides the latest information on how to attract everything from bluebird, chickadees, purple martins, wood ducks to bumblebees, toads, owls and woodpeckers.

“Landscaping for Wildlife” is packed with color photos and diagrams that show how to attract wildlife to your property using inexpensive, easy-to-follow landscaping plans.

“Restore Your Shore” is a multimedia CD-Rom that offers innovative solutions to common shoreland problems, includes worksheets and forms to design/implement your design plan using a customized plant list from an extensive searchable database of more than 400 native plants.

The “Traveler’s Guide to Wildlife in Minnesota” was co-authored by Henderson, Andrea Lee Lambrecht and the DNR nongame wildlife specialists. The Traveler’s Guide, written for novice and veteran wildlife watchers alike, features 120 special places to observe and photograph wildlife in Minnesota, with easy to read maps, and information about facilities and recreational opportunities about each site.

The books and CD-Rom can be ordered from bookstores and online booksellers.

They are also available from the Minnesota’s Bookstore in St. Paul and can be ordered online or by calling 651-297-3000 or toll-free 800-657-3757.

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