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Author Topic: Fresh, frozen Ciscoes are now on sale!!!!!!  (Read 3319 times)

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Offline greatoutdoors

  • Master Outdoorsman
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This morning, we received our VHS test certificate from the DNR declaring our Ciscoes to be VHS free.
With that said, they are now on sale at the shop.
Fisherman's Corner (Pike Lake) & Vermilion Fuel (Tower), will have them by noon tomorrow.
Mike's Holiday (Tofte & Grand Marais) and Buck's Hardware (Grand Marais) will have their order by noon on Friday.
There are not many available this year, so make sure you get them soon!!
We have had over 100 dozen go out the door already, and could only sell them as of 10 am!
The Great Outdoors
419 East Sheridan Street
Ely, MN 55731 USA

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"The only Ely Bait Shop owned by a lifelong resident.

Offline jbotto

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I'll be in after Noon if you're open!

Offline greatoutdoors

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 1823
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  • 2014, 2015, & 2016 MNO Fishing Challenge Champion
I won't be back from Grand Marais until about 2 pm today, will stay at the shop until about 4:30.
The Great Outdoors
419 East Sheridan Street
Ely, MN 55731 USA

E mail:

Like Us on Face Book!/pages/Great-Outdoors-Bait-Tackle/1606420532911075

"The only Ely Bait Shop owned by a lifelong resident.